Jacks, Marcy - The Blind Werewolf Assassin [DeWitt's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Jacks, Marcy - The Blind Werewolf Assassin [DeWitt's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Marcy Jacks Page A

Book: Jacks, Marcy - The Blind Werewolf Assassin [DeWitt's Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) by Marcy Jacks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcy Jacks
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 close were they? How many? What sort of weapons?
    The worst part of it had been that Adam could answer none of  those questions at all. He hadn’t seen who had been coming after  them like sneaking thieves in the night. He hadn’t so much as scented  any humans at all in the area.
    James had tried to not let his disappointment show when Adam  revealed this and had promptly done what he could to keep the pack  organized and prepared for the attack that was surely to come.
    Adam had been attacked by hunters, on their own land, and unlike  the last time, these hunters were left alive. They would follow Adam’s  trail back here and try to kill all of them.
    These hunters were smart, too. They knew that coming after the  pack at night was no good, and not long after the pups and omegas  were cleared from danger, a smoking canister was tossed into the  clearing of cottages.
    It had been thrown right at Isaac’s feet, who had immediately  kicked it back into the trees with an angry curse.
    As though answering a challenge, ten others were thrown from  different directions, all of which were hissing the grey gas. It smelled  strange, but certainly didn’t make Adam very sleepy, though it did  bother his eyes.
    Tear gas.
    “Everyone shut your eyes!” someone shouted.
    Looked like he and the other alphas would be putting Nick’s  teachings to good use sooner than expected.
    The problem was that even with their eyes shut, the gas still  affected them. It made it hard to breathe, for one thing, from the nose  and the mouth, and a lot of coughing and gagging followed.
    Adam's nose clogged as he inhaled, trying to find out where the  hunters were coming from through scent, so that was out, too.

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    His ears remained just fine, and so was his sense of touch, and he
    used them to hear and feel whatever he could.
    A war cry sounded from deep within the bushes, and Adam could feel the vibrations in the ground as two dozen men charged onto their land. Their shouts were muffled. Gas masks, Adam thought.
    Strange how much he could put together even  with his eyes closed, especially with one ear half blown off.
    One yell in particular came just a little too close to Adam for his liking. This hunter was not shooting at him, which meant he had a weapon of some kind in his hands.
    Adam dodged out of the way of the strike, listening to the swipe of metal cut through the air. Christ, did this guy have a machete?
    Another swipe and another dodge. Being quick while choking on the air was difficult, and Adam toyed with the idea of just letting the hunter take him  down so that he could join Nick in the afterlife, if werewolves even got such a thing.
    He threw the idea away quickly, snatching his hand out, finding the throat of the attacking hunter, digging his fingernails into the flesh and ripping it clean out.
    The  hunter gurgled and immediately fell. Adam listened to his desperate wheezing breaths for only a moment before the man died.
    Adam would not let himself be killed, by this man at least. For all  Adam knew, this had been the man to shoot and kill Nick.
    Adam charged forward at the sound of the yells of his pack mates.  Some were yells of pain as they were struck, others of anger as they returned the fight.
    He was going to take out as many of them as he could.
    He wasn’t a master of being blind like Nick had been.  And with his nose useless as well, occasionally he still needed to open his eyes, at least to get his bearings, and the blurred visions in front of him did tell him that he was on the right path right before he grabbed the head of an enemy and twisted it around until he heard the telltale snap of bones.

    The Blind Werewolf Assassin                      63

    He continued on like this, tears running down his cheeks from the gas and from his rage. He managed to take out at least five hunters before the wind

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