jinn 03 - vestige

jinn 03 - vestige by Liz Schulte

Book: jinn 03 - vestige by Liz Schulte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liz Schulte
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to flinch. The stab wound over her heart was black around the edges and seeping light oozed from its charred red center. “It won’t heal. I’ve tried everything I could think of, but it never changes. Uriel isn’t answering my calls. The Angel of Death offered to help, but…” she shook her head.
    “You’re hearing the voice again?”
    She nodded.
    “For fuck’s sake, Liv, let him help you.”
    She started to say no, then clenched her jaw shut. “I was going to, but—”
    “You’d rather die?”
    She tapped her foot against the floor, fast and hard. “Maybe,” she snapped. “He took my mother, Holden. He took her right in front of me, and there was nothing I could do to stop him. We’ve already established that I’m dying. What’s to keep him from taking me because I’ve lived past my time? The one day I leave the warehouse, going to see him, I’m attacked. Is that a coincidence? And who’s to say he isn’t righting a wrong? Maybe I am next on his list.”
    I scratched my jaw. “Contact him anyway.”

    How was I supposed to keep us together when the glue and the reason for us all being here wanted to give up?
    I looked up at the ceiling. Baker, if you’re up there, you’re an ass hat for leaving me to deal with this alone.
    I could almost imagine him smiling and winking and telling me that I could do it because I was the bee’s knees, whatever that meant. I could almost feel the pleasure that used to vibrate through me when he called me kitten—almost. But the fact was I couldn’t really feel any of that because he was gone and we all needed to move on.
    Maggie sat at the kitchen table, playing a card game with the kid, and Corbin leaned against the counter squinting at them.
    “What’s wrong with her?” he asked when I came in.
    “Which one?” I asked when it was clear Maggie was ignoring him.
    “That one.” He pointed at Maggie who wasn’t wearing the sunglasses we all agreed she needed to wear.
    “She drinks a lot,” I said dryly, making Maggie laugh.
    “I do,” she said.
    He gave us a dubious look. “I don’t think that’s it. She almost looks like…”
    Maggie threw a card at him swift and fast and it stuck into the center of his chest. He blinked and looked down.
    “Ow. How the f—”
    “Little ears,” I interrupted him. At least Olivia and Holden weren’t fighting anymore. “She’s a half-vampire. Deal with it.” I went to the refrigerator, needing to move.
    Corbin stayed put, jaw hanging open. “At least your little problem is good for one thing,” I said to Maggie. “It finally shut Corbin up.”
    “Great. I was about two seconds away from yelling ‘I’m not an animal.’” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes, which were starting to look sunken, with dark rings around them. She fidgeted and her legs tapped uncontrollably as she put back on her sunglasses.
    “How is that possible?” Corbin asked, moving closer to her. “Her heart beats.” He grabbed her by the chin, but Maggie knocked him away, smashing him into a wall with a crack.
    Her cheeks reddened. “Sorry,” she said.
    “Who created you?” he asked. Neither of us answered, but understanding crossed his face. “ Thomas . How did you stop the transformation?”
    “Divine intervention,” I said.
    He snorted. “Really, what happened?”
    “I’ll keep trying. I can’t make him answer,” Olivia said, walking into the kitchen with Holden scowling behind her. Well, at least they were talking.
    “This is priority.” Holden crossed his arms over his chest and stayed in the doorway.
    “I said I would,” Olivia said from between clenched teeth. Then she looked at me, and her face softened. “Thank you, Femi. I needed that kick in the butt.” She hugged me tight and I returned the embrace. It was good to have my friend back. “And thank you for saving me. Both of you.” She glanced over at Corbin, who nodded to her though he really hadn’t done anything.
    “So what’s

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