Johnson Family 2: Perfect
screaming prepubescents. As he approached, one of the girls stood poised on the diving board and did a graceful dive into the water, receiving a series of enthusiastic cheers and claps from her friends.
    Music from the latest pop sensation blared from the external speakers. Hired help was on hand to assist with the food prep and serving, and when the girls grew tired and wanted to relax, the pool house contained plenty of seating and an entertainment center to keep them busy for hours with music, videos, and games.
    Cyrus took a seat, and before he announced his presence, Katie saw him.
    “Uncle Cyrus!” she screamed. She separated from her group of friends and scampered over, dripping wet, her long braids weighted down with water and trailing behind her.
    “Katie, you’ll get him wet,” Ivy cautioned, waving her hands in an effort to stop her, but Katie was undeterred. She flung her arms around his neck, soaking his jacket with pool water.
    Ivy came over, a chastising frown on her face.
    “It’s okay,” Cyrus told his sister. He squeezed Katie with one arm around her tiny waist. “Happy birthday,” he murmured.
    She pulled back and grinned. “Thank you.” Unable to contain her excitement, she hopped from one foot to the next, eyeing the wrapped box in his hand. She already knew what he’d brought. Last year, he’d promised to get it for her. “Is that for me?”
    “Is there another birthday girl here?” he teased.
    She giggled and shook her head vigorously. Droplets of water from her hair dripped onto his handmade leather shoes. “I’m the only one.”
    “Then I guess it’s yours.”
    She snatched the box and turned to Ivy. “Can I open it now? I don’t want to wait to open it with my other presents.”
    “Yes, you may.”
    The words had barely left her mother’s mouth before Katie tore into the colored paper and torn fragments were floating to the ground. She opened the box and pulled out the gold-plated cell phone that lay inside. Her eyes widened to double their normal size. Because purple was her favorite color, he’d had amethysts added around the frame as a surprise.
    Holding up the phone so her mother could see, she squealed, “Mommy, look!”
    “I see,” Ivy said dryly. Now she directed her disapproval at Cyrus.
    Katie flung her arms around him again and kissed his cheek. He held onto her tiny body just as tight. She smelled like chlorine and the sweetness of little girls her age. “Thank you so much. I love you, Uncle Cyrus.”
    He kissed her temple. “Love you, too, Munchkin.”
    She grinned and ran toward her friends to show off her gift.
    “Don’t get it wet,” Ivy called after her.
    “It’s water proof,” Cyrus said.
    “Of course it is.” Ivy placed both hands on her hips. “I try to keep her grounded and you do your best to spoil her.”
    He shrugged. “What are you worried about? You’re doing a fine job. She’s a great kid.”
    “Well, still…” Ivy demurred, obviously pleased by the comment. “Did you have to buy her something so extravagant?”
    “That’s what uncles do. Besides, Mother and Father gave us extravagant gifts, and we turned out fine.”
    “ We did?” She arched an eyebrow and a faint smile came to her lips. “You’re spoiled.”
    “I like nice things. That’s not the same as being spoiled.” Cyrus rose to his feet. Their father used to tell them they should never let anyone make them feel ashamed for enjoying the fruits of their labor, and he wholeheartedly agreed. He worked hard, and he should be allowed to indulge in the luxuries that came with their level of wealth.
    Knowing it was a waste of time to argue with him, Ivy pursed her lips. “Thank you. I know how much you love her and she adores you.” She came closer and studied him. “You okay? You look tired.”
    “I am tired,” he admitted, rolling his neck. “But I have more work to do before I can take a break.”
    “When was the last time you had a vacation? You can’t keep

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