Josie Under Fire

Josie Under Fire by Ann Turnbull Page A

Book: Josie Under Fire by Ann Turnbull Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Turnbull
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even Edith. That gave her a sense of power. If she told, it would be a gift to them, and it would show that she was someone in her own right – not just Edith’s cousin, tagging along. And yet – she also had the power not to tell. And Alice couldn’t help being German.
    Josie tried not to become involved in the small meannesses, the whispered slurs and covert punches that went on all that morning around Alice. It was a relief to be going to the Red Cross Cadets group after school; she and Edith had to hurry home to get to the church hall on time, so there was no chance to join in anything Pam and the others might be plotting.
    As she practised splinting Edith’s imaginary broken arm, Josie thought again about Ted. He’d be here next week, on Wednesday. Aunty Grace had heard from Mummy and she’d said to Josie, “He can stay overnight – in Peter’s room. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Her face had shown nothing of her disapproval of Ted – but Josie knew.
    If only he didn’t have to come here ! She wished she could feel happy about the visit, but instead she was dreading it. She imagined Edith telling the other girls about him: “We’ve got Josie’s brother staying. He’s a conscientious objector.” Edith had said she wouldn’t tell, but she wasn’t so friendly now towards Josie at school; she might not be able to resist it. And then the girls would think it was no wonder Josie was “wet”. And she’d end up lumped together with Alice.
    The next day, Thursday, was the last day of term before the Easter holidays. Josie and Edith set off in good time for school, both cheerful at the thought of the break. Edith was in particularly high spirits. They were near Ranelagh Gardens when a familiar voice called out, “Hey! Edith! Josie!”
    “It’s Vic!” Edith smiled and waved.
    Vic, with Stan and Ray behind him, had emerged from a side street opposite.
    Edith looked around quickly to make sure no family friends or neighbours were watching, then said, “Come on!” and darted across the road. Josie followed.
    “Haven’t seen you two around for a while,” said Vic.
    “We got found out – had to see the headmistress.” Edith, wide-eyed and indignant, poured out the story. “That girl, Alice – you know, the one we don’t like – she sneaked on us. Told the headmistress we’d been on the bomb site. So we’re in trouble.”
    “You want to get your own back, then,” Vic said.
    “We are. We’ve been getting her every day after school.”
    “Good for you.”
    Edith’s eyes sparkled. “Except Josie, of course. Josie thinks we shouldn’t do it – says it’s not fair.”
    Vic’s glance flicked to Josie. “So you’re a good girl, are you, Josie?”
    Josie felt humiliated by Edith. She liked Vic and wanted him to think she was daring and fun, like her cousin. She said, “It’s just that—”
    “We think she’s a pacifist,” said Edith, smiling her dimpled smile and suppressing giggles.
    They all laughed. “Pacifist!” mocked Stan. He put his hands together as if in prayer and gazed heavenwards.
    Josie looked straight at Vic. “Well, I know something about that girl that none of you know.”
    Now they were all listening to her .
    “She’s a German,” Josie said. “Her name isn’t really Hampton at all. It’s Hauptmann.”
    “ German! ” Ray’s eyes lit up.
    But Vic said, “Oh, yeah?” and smirked as if she was making up childish spy stories.
    “It’s true!” She told them what Miss Rutherford had said, and was rewarded by the gradual change in Vic’s expression. Now he looked interested. Edith, she saw, was put out, both at being kept in the dark and at losing Vic’s attention.
    But the boys’ reaction was beginning to frighten Josie. Ray was enthralled. “A German! A family of spies!” And Vic said, “They should be locked up in those camps. They shouldn’t be allowed to run a shop.”
    “It was a long time ago,” she said, backtracking now. “They were

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