Twenties Girl
cab.” I nod. “Thanks. Nice to bump into you.”
    “Don’t let him go!” Sadie’s voice in my ear makes me jump out of my skin. “He can help!”
    “Shut up and leave me alone,” I mutter out of the corner ofmy mouth, shooting an even brighter smile at Mark. “Bye, Mark. Give my love to Anna.”
    “He can draw the necklace! Then you’ll know what you’re looking for!” She’s suddenly right in front of me. “Ask him! Quickly!”
    “Ask him!” Her banshee voice is coming back, piercing my eardrum. “Ask-him-ask-him-ask-him—”
    Oh, for God’s sake, she’s going to drive me insane.
    “Mark!” I call, so loudly that the two guys in hoodies stop fighting and stare at me. “I’ve got this tiny favor to ask you, if you have a moment. …”
    “Sure.” Mark shrugs.
    We go into a side room, with cups of tea from the machine. We pull up chairs to a table and Mark gets out his paper and artist’s pencils.
    “So.” He raises his eyebrows. “A necklace. That’s a new one.”
    “I saw it once at an antiques fair,” I improvise. “And I’d love to commission one like it, but I’m so bad at drawing things, and it suddenly occurred to me that maybe you could help….”
    “No problem. Fire away.” Mark takes a sip of tea, his pencil poised over the paper, and I glance up at Sadie.
    “It was made of beads,” she says, holding up her hands as though she can almost feel it. “Two rows of glass beads, almost translucent.”
    “It’s two rows of beads,” I say. “Almost translucent.”
    “Uh-huh.” He nods, already sketching circular beads. “Like this?”
    “More oval,” says Sadie, peering over his shoulder. “Longer. And there were rhinestones in between.”
    “The beads were more oval,” I say apologetically. “With rhinestones in between.”
    “No problem…” Mark is already rubbing out and sketching longer beads. “Like this?”
    I glance up at Sadie. She’s watching him, mesmerized. “And the dragonfly,” she murmurs. “You mustn’t forget the dragonfly.”
    For another five minutes, Mark sketches, rubs out, and sketches again, as I relay Sadie’s comments. Slowly, gradually, the necklace comes alive on the page.
    “That’s it,” says Sadie at last. Her eyes are shining as she gazes down. “That’s my necklace!”
    “Perfect,” I say to Mark. “You’ve got it.”
    For a moment we all survey it in silence.
    “Nice,” says Mark at last, jerking his head at it. “Unusual. Reminds me of something.” He frowns at the sketch for a moment, then shakes his head. “No. Lost it.” He glances at his watch. “I’m afraid I have to dash—”
    “That’s fine,” I say quickly. “Thanks so much.”
    When he’s gone, I pick up the paper and look at the necklace. It’s very pretty, I have to admit. Long rows of glassy beads, sparkling rhinestones, and a big ornamental pendant in the shape of a dragonfly, studded with even more rhinestones.
    “So this is what we’re looking for.”
    “Yes!” Sadie looks up, her face full of animation. “Exactly! Where shall we start?”
    “You have to be joking!” I reach for my jacket and stand up. “I’m not looking for anything now. I’m going home and having a nice glass of wine. And then I’m having a chicken korma with naan. New-fangled modern food,” I explain, noticing her bemused expression. “And then I’m going to bed.”
    “So what shall I do?” says Sadie, suddenly looking deflated.
    “I don’t know!”
    I head out of the side room, back into the foyer. A taxi is offloading an elderly couple onto the pavement outside, and I hurry out, calling, “Taxi? Can you take me to Kilburn?”
    As the taxi moves off, I spread out the sketch on my lap and look at the necklace again, trying to imagine it in real life. Sadie described the beads as a kind of pale yellow iridescent glass.Even in the drawing, the rhinestones are sparkling all over. The real thing must be stunning. Worth a bit too. Just for a

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