Jurassic Park<sup>TM</sup> III Novelization

Jurassic Park<sup>TM</sup> III Novelization by Scott Ciencin Page B

Book: Jurassic Park<sup>TM</sup> III Novelization by Scott Ciencin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scott Ciencin
Tags: Fiction
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jumped as high as he could. He reached Billy’s boot and grabbed on with both hands. Blinding pain shot through his arms and shoulders as he was violently yanked upward, but he wouldn’t let go.
    The winding river and the canyon walls blurred as Billy and Eric sailed away from the nest.
    Suddenly, the giant mother Pteranodon spotted them. It raced forward and tore a piece out of the parasail with its beak.
    Eric and Billy began to drop!
    Alan warily eyed the Pteranodon that had landed on top of the catwalk. It snapped at them through the hole in the enclosure, unfurled its great wings, and stamped on the roof.
    Alan gripped the rail to steady himself as the catwalk swayed and bounced. Amanda and Paul did the same.
    The mesh above suddenly gave way and the Pteranodon slammed through and landed on the catwalk. Alan and the Kirbys were trapped inside the enclosed catwalk with the enraged Pteranodon!
    The reptile came lurching their way, flailing its leathery wings and screeching in anger. Alan and the Kirbys ran for their lives along the creaking catwalk. The group rounded a corner, only to find a broken section of catwalk had fallen away into the river.
    They were trapped inside the steel enclosure with nowhere to run!
    As if it sensed their fear, the Pteranodon advanced. The catwalk groaned and tilted alarmingly.
    Suddenly, their section of the catwalk detached from the wall and flipped over. Alan and the Kirbys fell and were caught by the mesh that had been the ceiling only moments before.
    The Pteranodon held on to what was now the underside of the catwalk. It flapped its wings wildly as it changed its grip on the swaying structure; then it inched toward Alan, Paul, and Amanda like a hungry spider.
    Eric and Billy sailed low over the river as the Pteranodon circled them.
    “Let go!” Billy yelled to Eric. “It’s the only way.”
    Eric looked down at the choppy water and released his grip. With a great splash, he dropped into the cold river.
    Surfacing quickly, he swam frantically toward shore, knowing he was far from safe. He remembered that Pteranodons hunted low over the water, snatching their prey from the surface.
    Fearfully glancing over his shoulder, Eric didn’t see any Pteranodons coming for him. But he did catch sight of Billy. He was trying to rise high into the air again, but the parasail’s rigging was too badly damaged.
    In horror, Eric watched as his rescuer flew right into the canyon wall!
    Billy’s harness became caught on a rock spire above him. Now he was trapped, hanging with-out any cover, right in the middle of Pteranodon territory!
    Up on the catwalk, Alan, Paul, and Amanda watched in terror as the Pteranodon moved toward them. With an agonizing screech of metal, the far end of the catwalk gave way. It detached from the canyon wall and swung downward!
    In a tangle of arms, legs, and wings, they were all sent plummeting off the metal frame toward the river below. They quickly became untangled and the Pteranodon took flight as the humans plunged into the water.
    Alan hit the water so hard the wind was knocked out of him. It took him nearly a minute to struggle to the surface, where he took in great gulps of air and spotted Amanda and Paul surfacing nearby.
    The current dragged all three downstream.
    From the shore, Eric watched as Billy frantically attempted to unhook the harness. Two Pteranodons landed near Billy and eyed him with delight—and hunger.
    Cut it,
Eric thought.
You’ve got to find something sharp and cut it!
    Cries from downstream drew Eric’s attention. Several yards away from where the mesh of the aviary met the river, Eric saw his parents emerge from the water and race toward him. Eric allowed his mother to take him into her arms while his father pointed ahead.
    “Look!” Paul said.
    There was a paved road on the shore and a double-gated portal designed to allow trucks to enter and exit the area safely. Eric and his mother raced to the portal and pushed on the

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