about me, then you’d better think twice.”
    Despite Kade’s attempts to block her, Bree worked her way around him, stepping to his side, and she faced McClendon head-on. “Who called you?”
    McClendon’s face stayed tight with anger, but he shook his head. “It was an anonymous tipster. The person used some kind of machine to alter his voice so I couldn’t tell who it was. I couldn’t even tell if it was a he. Could have been anybody for all I know.”
    Like the call Kade had gotten about Bree. “This person told you Bree was here? Because I only found her myself a little while ago.”
    “No, the person didn’t say she was here, only that she was with you. I figured out the ranch part all by myself since this, after all, is your family home,” McClendon smugly added.
    “It’s a long drive out here just to talk to Bree,” Kade remarked.
    The man made a sound of agreement. “Let’s just say the anonymous caller piqued my interest. Plus, I wanted to make sure Agent Winston here wasn’t trying to pin more bogus charges on me.”
    Kade wished he had a charge, any charge, he could pin on the man. Maybe he could arrest him for trespassing, but that wouldn’t get him behind bars.
    “So, why do you look like death warmed over?” McClendon asked Bree.
    “Because I’ve had a bad day. A bad year,” she corrected in a snarl. “Someone kidnapped me. Maybe you? Or maybe someone working for you? Maybe even the Neanderthal standing by your car.” Bree aimed her own finger at him, though unlike McClendon’s, hers was shaky. “And that someone had me inseminated. What do you know about that, huh?”
    McClendon flexed his eyebrows. Maybe from surprise, but Kade seriously doubted it. In fact, McClendon might have personal knowledge of every detail of this investigation.
    “I know nothing about it,” the man insisted. “And it’s accusations like that I’m here to warn you against. I have plans to open a new clinic in the next few months. One that will help infertile couples. Real couples. Not FBI agents hell-bent on trying to ruin me and my reputation.”
    “Your own shady dealings ruined you,” Kade fired back. “You used illegal immigrants as gestational carriers and surrogates. Hell, you didn’t even pay them. Just room, board and minimal medical care.” And for each of those women, McClendon and the clinic had collected plenty of money.
    “Prove it,” McClendon challenged.
    “Give me time and I will. And while you’re here, you could just go ahead and make a confession.” Though Kade knew that wasn’t going to happen.
    McClendon looked ready to jump in with a smug answer, but instead, he pulled in a long breath. “I knew nothing about the illegal activity that went on.” No more flexed eyebrows or surprise, feigned or otherwise. Fire went through McClendon’s dust-gray eyes. “That was my son’s doing and that idiot nurse, Jamie Greer. They’ll be tried, and both will pay for their wrongdoings.”
    “Yes, they will,” Kade assured him. “But that doesn’t mean there won’t be more charges. Ones that involve you spending a lot time in jail.”
    Now, the venom returned. “I’m not responsible for those two losers’ actions, and I refuse to have any of Anthony and Jamie’s mud slung on me. Got that?”
    McClendon didn’t wait for Kade or Bree to respond to that. He turned and started off the porch.
    “If you did this to Bree…to us, ” Kade corrected, calling out to the man. “I’ll bring you down the hard way.”
    McClendon stopped and spared them a glance from over his shoulder. “Careful, Agent Ryland. You just might bite off more than you can chew. Trying to bring me down will be hazardous to your health. And anyone else who happens to get in my way.”
    Bree started after him, probably to rip him to shreds as Kade had wanted to do, but Kade caught her arm. She wasn’t in any shape to take on a man like McClendon, and besides, assaulting an unarmed civilian wouldn’t be

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