Bree’s own kidnapping that had led to Leah’s birth.
    That stirred some strong conflicting feelings in Kade.
    He loved Leah so much that he couldn’t imagine life without her, but someone would pay for what had happened. His baby didn’t deserve the rough start she’d gotten in life.
    Kade got to his feet, the questions already forming in his head. He hadn’t wanted this meeting with McClendon, but maybe they could learn something from it. Right now, he’d take any answers he could get—as long as he got them while keeping Leah safe.
    Bree, too, he mentally added.
    Yes, she was a trained federal agent, but she was in no shape right now to face down a snake like McClendon.
    “Wait here,” he told Bree. “I’ll deal with this.”
    But she stood, anyway, and eased Leah back into the carrier. “You’re not letting him near the baby.”
    “Not a chance. I’m not letting him in the house, period. But I do want to talk to him and see why he came. He’s never been out here to see me before now, and I don’t like the timing.”
    It was past being suspicious since it’d been less than an hour and a half since Kade had rescued Bree from that motel. Was McClendon here to finish off the job that the hired gunman had failed to do?
    Kade drew his gun and headed toward the front door.
    Of course, Bree didn’t stay put as he’d ordered. She was right behind him.
    “Have Dade keep monitoring the security feed,” Kade instructed Mason. This could be a ruse that someone could use to get gunmen onto the ranch, but Mason probably already knew that. “And take Leah to Grace. I want them to stay at the back of the house until McClendon is off the grounds.”
    Mason hesitated, glancing first at Leah in her carrier seat and then out the front window at the approaching silver Jaguar. His brother was probably trying to decide if he should stay and play backup, but Mason thankfully picked up the carrier and hurried out of the room.
    Good. That was one less thing to worry about. One less big thing.
    Kade gave Bree one last try so he could take another worrisome issue off his list. “McClendon could be dangerous, and you’re still feeling the effects of that drug.”
    Her chin came up, and even though he didn’t know her that well, Kade recognized the attitude. Bree wouldn’t back down. Something he understood since he would have reacted the same in her position. However, because she wasn’t duty ready, he eased her behind him when he headed for the door.
    Kade paused at the security system so he could open the door without setting off the alarms. By the time he’d done that, McClendon was already out of his car and walking up the porch steps. His driver—aka his armed goon bodyguard, no doubt—stayed by the open car door.
    Even though it’d been months since Kade had seen the man, he hadn’t changed much. The same salt-and-pepper hair styled to perfection. A pricey foreign suit. Pricey shoes, too. The man was all flash. Or rather all facade. McClendon appeared to be a highly successful businessman, but at the moment he was basically unemployed and living off the millions he’d inherited from parents. Old money.
    The man was also old slime.
    And Kade was going to have to hang on to every bit of his composure to keep from ripping McClendon’s face off. If this arrogant SOB was behind Bree’s kidnapping and the insemination, then he would pay for it.
    Kade positioned himself in the center of the door, blocking the way so that McClendon couldn’t enter. He also blocked Bree so she couldn’t get any closer. She was already way too close for Kade’s comfort.
    “Why are you here?” Kade demanded.
    McClendon ignored the question and looked past Kade. His attention went directly to Bree, who was on her tiptoes and peering over Kade’s shoulder.
    “I got a call about her.” McClendon jabbed his index finger in Bree’s direction. “I thought I was rid of you. Guess not. But if you’re back to make more accusations

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