Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy, Book One)
the others
did. He was a pacifist, though, and viewed his position on the
Council as balancing out the outwardly aggressive predators.
    Andre was no threat to the others yet had a
full vote on everything the Council did. It was how he walked
easily among all the others, never threatened and routinely
confided in. Even Sasha, who'd betrayed them all to serve the Dark
One, still sought out his brother's counsel. Kris knew his brother
too well to know he’d not betray the trust of anyone, even a man
who wanted to kill him.
    Next to Kris's whiskey Andre kept at the wet
bar was Tamer’s favorite vodka, Kiki’s rice wine, and Erik’s diet
    "What about Sasha?" Kris asked quietly.
    "He’s killed my last few spies. Got a good
one in there now. Getting a lot of good info out of this one."
    "Good to hear. You ready?"
    Andre held out his hand. Kris took it and
they walked through the shadow world through the portal leading to
the Sanctuary where the Council meetings took place. His three
other half brothers were already present and waiting, Erik pacing,
Kiki at the table, and Tamer busy with his PDA. The conference room
was plain, the white walls bare, the harsh lighting and round
conference table centered.
    "Let’s go, brothers," Andre said. He sat,
leaning back. "Shall we start with Asia this time? Kiki?"
    "We started with Asia last time," Kiki
snapped, oriental features and towering height marking his mixed
    "Very well. Europe," Andre said, unaffected.
    "Everything’s fine."
    "The last time I said anything, all my men in
North America disappeared. Kris, care to explain?" Erik challenged,
ice blue eyes falling to him.
    "Erik’s right, brother," Kiki said. "We can’t
talk freely like we used to."
    "We have a common enemy," Andre reminded
them. "One who would like us divided so he can take over our
    "I’ll start," Kris said. "Today, we found
someone who’s immune to our powers."
    All eyes turned to him.
    "What do you mean, immune?" Tamer pounced.
"There’s no such thing."
    "She has a hereditary blood anomaly that
makes her immune to all but the oldest of our kind. We just found
out and are researching it."
    "Bullshit," Kiki snapped. "If you know that
much, you know more."
    "Think what you will, Kiki."
    "Have you tested her?" Andre asked.
    "We discovered her when she proved unaffected
by one of our typical talents."
    "She’s a spy for Sasha," Erik said. "Probably
revealed your entire operations by now."
    "Not likely," he replied.
    "I don’t believe any of this nonsense," Tamer
insisted. "She’s a plant. Like Erik said, she’s some mutant Sasha
made to infiltrate your operations."
    "Maybe you’re the mole, brother," Kiki
    The four stared at him. Kris didn’t flinch.
He'd long since suspected one of them was working with Sasha, but
it wasn’t him. If anyone, it was Tamer, whose isolation in Siberia
and ability to outsmart Andre’s spies gave him the ability to hide
his actions.
    "Bring her here," Tamer said.
    "Then I’m not going to believe a damned thing
you’re saying."
    "And I won’t share how to counter her
mutation so you don’t end up at Sasha’s feet."
    "Fuck you, Kris!"
    "Enough," Andre said with a sharp look at
both of them. "Kris, the Council will need some sort of proof that
this isn’t another ploy by one of you to wipe out the others. It’s
been calm for the past few hundred years, but I don’t think any of
us have forgotten that five hundred year period where we were at
each other’s throats."
    And they’d lost two of their brothers to the
war. Andre himself had ordered their exiles when it was revealed
they were Sasha’s spies. He didn’t say this, but Kris knew it was
on everyone’s mind.
    "Would you object to my visiting her?" Andre
    "Good enough, Tamer?"
    "For now," Tamer allowed. "No
compartmentalizing this info, Andre. It’s a common threat to all of
us. According to the rules, we get to know

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