Katie's Hellion (Rhyn Trilogy, Book One)
    "Everything," Kiki emphasized.
    "You are entitled to know of anything that
threatens you," Andre clarified. "As you know, I’m the only one
here who actually adheres to our rules."
    The others smiled. There was one rule they
all knew better than to break, or Andre would order them killed. So
long as they didn’t put out a hit on one another, they could
decimate each other at their own battles, lie, cheat, spy, steal,
anything and everything.
    "Other news," Andre said. "Kiki."
    "Everything’s fine."
    Andre pursed his lips again. Kris sat back,
satisfied. He’d done as required and alerted them about a potential
threat. As far as he was concerned, he’d do nothing else, even if
he learned how to counter it.
    "Same time and place next month," Andre said,
standing. "These meetings need to improve, brothers. We are not one
another’s enemies, and we’ll never defeat our common enemy so long
as we’re squabbling."
    No one spoke. Kris remained where he was,
aware they’d destroy each other if allowed. Their turf wars and
battle against the Dark One --and now Sasha --had stirred up some
of the bloodiest wars in mankind’s history.
    One by one, the others left, until he was
alone with Andre.
    "No one knows her identity, and no one else
sees her," Kris said firmly. "She’s an unwitting participant."
    "You know me well enough, brother."
    "I’ll send for you."
    "What are you not telling me, Kris?" Andre
pressed with brotherly concern in his voice.
    Kris looked away.
    "There's something else to this human, isn't
    "She's an immortal mate."
    "Not uncommon," Andre replied. "What
    Kris chuckled, aware his older brother could
wait him out.
    "She's an Ancient's mate."
    "Ah," Andre said softly. "Then you're in a
bind, if you intend to claim her."
    "Can't leave this one to fate," he said in
the same quiet tone. "Do you…"
    "You and I have always put the Council and
our mission first," Andre reminded him. "Now is not the time to
doubt yourself. Of all our brothers, you are the only one who can
lead us to victory. If this woman gives you the power to do
    Kris said nothing, feeling at once foolish
and like he was the child Andre used to chastise for failing to
focus on his duties. Andre clasped his shoulder, bowed his head,
and disappeared.
    Kris willed himself to the shadow world and
walked back to his underground refuge, heart heavy. Jade awaited
him, as he expected. Kris accepted the glass of whiskey but avoided
Jade's extended hand.
    His lover of many years sensed his unease and
waited for him to speak.
    "The woman we found is an immortal's mate,"
he started.
    "I know," Jade said, seating himself. "You
have someone in mind for her?"
    "I do."
    Jade waited, and Kris held his gaze in
silence. He watched the expectant look turn to one of disbelief.
Jade's jaw grew lax before he managed to speak.
    "You're serious?"
    "I'm bound by my duty," Kris replied.
    "But this ? You'd leave me for
    "Not by choice, Jade. Her talent can --"
    "You can mate her to one of our friends!
There's no --"
    "She's an Ancient's mate, not just any
immortal's mate," he explained.
    "Give her to Andre."
    His gut twisted as raw emotion crossed Jade's
face. His friend and lover searched his face hard, then rose and
stalked out.
    Kris let him go despite his desire to follow
him. There was nothing he could say that would take away the pain
he'd just caused.
    He poured himself more whiskey and sat on the
sofa, feeling utterly alone for the second time in his life.
    His gaze strayed to the desk, where Katie's
file sat. He'd go to her apartment tomorrow and explain to her what
her fate was about to become. He suspected the conversation would
go as well as his talk with Jade.
    His chest felt tight, but he refused to admit
his pain.
    Jade stormed out of the study and shoved past
two warriors in the hallway. Blinded by emotion, he made his way
out of the underground

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