Kelly Blake 3: Where the Stars Are Few and Far Between

Kelly Blake 3: Where the Stars Are Few and Far Between by Rodney Smith

Book: Kelly Blake 3: Where the Stars Are Few and Far Between by Rodney Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rodney Smith
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combat, either. It was a hell of a way to fight a war.
    She gave the order to prepare for take off. When all pilots gave the ready signal, she powered up and taxied to the runway. She punched it and felt the familiar G-forces push her back in her seat. In seconds she was in space. Her squadron formed up behind her starboard wing, like ducks in an echeloned row, and she led them through the ring to Leonov.
    * * * * *
    Kelly stood in Admiral Minacci’s outer office, waiting for Admiral Craddock’s arrival. Minacci was at the landing field and Edgar was at the building’s street entrance awaiting Craddock. A yeoman had prepared an office for Craddock to use during his stay, and Craddock’s advance security man was installing numerous communications terminals and security devices. When all was as it should be, he cleared the room and stood guard outside.
    Minacci brought Craddock up to his office and closed the door. Kelly was amazed at Craddock’s entourage of only seven people. Three were obvious security people. Two were his secretary and executive assistant. One was a Fleet Commander aide. One must have been his systems guy, as he went into the prepared office and checked out all the equipment.
    Admiral Minacci opened his door and motioned Edgar and Kelly inside. Admiral Craddock got up from the couch and shook Edgar’s and then Kelly’s hands. He motioned Kelly to sit in a chair adjacent to him. Kelly waited for Admiral Minacci to sit first, then sat down.
    Admiral Craddock said, “Kelly, I have a mission I think you would be perfect for. It involves the Orion and a very long journey. Do you remember that navigation system you and Edgar got off that K’Rang courier ship years ago?”
    “Yes, sir, I do.”
    “Good, it’s still our best map of K’Rang space. It also mentions a race inspiral of them called the A’Ngarii. We’ve wanted to contact them for years, but never had the capability. FTL comms wouldn’t work because they don’t have a receiver, plus their technology may not be compatible with ours. No ship was fast enough. Well, we think we now have a ship that is fast enough – the Orion. It's perfect to get humans through K’Rang space and carry a diplomatic team to negotiate a defense treaty with these A’Ngarii. I and a lot of other smart people think you would be the perfect captain.”
    Kelly thought about what they were asking him to do. He thought about one other thing, too.
    “Sir, there is one thing we should discuss before you make me a final offer. Maybe we should discuss it in private, though.”
    “Kelly, if you’re going to ask me for my daughter’s hand in marriage, you have my blessing. Now, let’s get back to work.”
    Admiral Minacci and Edgar were dumbstruck. Kelly was slightly more so.
    “Thank you, sir, but couldn’t you have given me the courtesy of letting me ask? My only concern is the appearance of a conflict of interest.”
    “Don’t worry about that, Kelly. I can fly mighty high top cover if I need to. No one will think anything at all. Your reputation precedes you.”
    “I don’t know what to say, sir. Of course I’ll take the job.”
    “Fantastic. Let me give you one piece of advice. Let Candy and her mother plan the wedding. You’ll only get headaches if you get dragged too deep into the preparations.”
    Admiral Minacci and Edgar congratulated Kelly on his upcoming marriage and his impending assumption of command of the Orion.
    Kelly swore them all to secrecy, as he hadn’t asked Candy yet.
    Edgar laughed and said, “Who better to keep a secret than the occupants of this room?”
    * * * * *
    Angie finished briefing her squadron pilots on their upcoming mission. She knew they could easily defeat any T’Poks sent out after her charges. She just hoped her pilots felt that way, too. You just never knew how people would react to being shot at, but she would find out today. She taught them the basics and she had reinforced them time and time

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