Kendra Kandlestar and the Shard From Greeve
gone,” the professor said quietly.
    “Gone?” Oki asked, whiskers twitching. “Where did she go?”
    Professor Bumblebean looked up, and the tears began to flood from his eyes. “Late this afternoon, Elder Woodsong was crossing Peddler’s Bridge to Faun’s End when the whole structure collapsed into the river without warning! They searched the banks, but there’s been no sign of her. I’m afraid . . . well, that is to say . . .”
    Kendra tugged her braids in confusion. “I don’t understand, Professor. What do you mean?”
    “I-I’m trying to tell you,” Professor Bumblebean stammered. “Winter Woodsong is dead.”
    For a moment Kendra just stared at him in disbelief. A terrible silence hung in the room—until Jinx broke it with a loud howl.
    “No!” the grasshopper bellowed. “You’re lying, Bumble-mean ! It’s impossible . . . she must be . . . I mean, she . . .” But Jinx couldn’t finish her words. She bounded out of the house, her large eyes beginning to well with tears.
    Kendra wanted to go after her, but Professor Bumblebean stopped her, saying, “Let her be, Kendra. She doesn’t want us to see her cry.”
    Kendra turned back to the professor, her face flushing red. “This is Burdock’s doing!” she blurted.
    “I can’t say I disagree with you,” Professor Bumblebean said. “Now the land of Een is so stricken with grief and panic that Burdock can pass any law he desires. ‘Who has killed Winter Woodsong?’ I heard him cry. ‘ You could be next!’ And all the Eens cower in fear. They allow him to enact his iniquitous plans.”
    “It’s nonsense!” Kendra declared.
    “Indeed,” the professor agreed. “But what shall we do? Burdock holds all the cards in this wicked game, and soon—,”
    Before he could finish, Jinx came charging back through the front door. “Lurk is coming!” she warned.
    The professor looked sharply at Kendra. “He comes to seize your wand. We must hide it.”
    “What can we do?” Kendra asked desperately.
    “The Fake Flakes ,” Oki declared, leaping to action. “We can copy your wand and give the fake one to Lurk.”
    “Hurry then,” the professor urged.
    Oki reached into his pouch and revealed a container of glistening granules. “Give me your wand, Kendra—that’s it, just place it here on the table. Now to try this out.” With his tongue sticking out of one side of his mouth, the mouse carefully sprinkled the powder along the length of Kendra’s wand. After a brief moment, a second identical wand appeared next to the original.
    “Will the fake wand perform magic?” Kendra asked.
    Oki shook his head. “The flakes can copy the thing, but not its life. ”
    “Hopefully Lurk won’t be able to tell,” Kendra said. She concealed the true wand inside her cloak just as the door flew open to reveal the tall and looming figure of Agent Lurk. Captain Rinkle and a troop of Een guards crowded around him.
    “Eek!” Oki screeched, darting behind Kendra.
    “Well, well, well,” Jinx declared boldly. “If it isn’t Agent Jerk, Captain Stinkle , and their band of idiots.”
    “Oy! You have a sharp tongue, bug,” Captain Rinkle rasped, unsheathing his sword, “but perhaps you’d like me to sharpen it a bit more.”
    “Er . . . that’s hardly necessary,” Kendra said, stepping in front of Jinx. “But you can tell me why you’ve come barging into my house.”
    Lurk raised one crooked hand to present a piece of parchment with Burdock’s latest decree. The ink seemed barely dry.

    “No need to read it,” Professor Bumblebean said to Kendra. “As I’ve told you, they have come to take possession of your wand.”
    “Have it then,” Kendra said, depositing the fake stick of wood into a large sack that Agent Lurk was holding forth.
    “Glad to see you aren’t as stubborn as old white beard,” Captain Rinkle said with a snarl that revealed all three of his yellow teeth. “We’ll be off then. But remember this: No magic! Else you’ll

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