watched ye." I felt my cheeks flame. "And then a man came over, and ye and yer friend Rebecca left with him to go to another room."
    "That must have been Lawrence."
    "So I discovered. The Duchess was most informative."
    "She's very fond of you. I think you've made a conquest."
    "I hope so," he said, laughing. "Oh, do ye mean the Duchess? She's a verra nice person, but I dinna pay much attention to other men's wives." He smiled again, and I laughed.
    Long before I was ready, Alex and his cousins were leaving and Louisa and I stood in the foyer wishing them farewell. When the bell rang we all turned to watch Bronson answer it. Robert stood in the doorway, his hat in one hand, flowers in the other. Next to me Alex stiffened, and Angus gave him a glance. I looked from Alex to Robert as he stepped into the foyer. He answered Louisa's greeting calmly, but his brown eyes kept flickering to the MacGannons.
    "Welcome home, Lord Campbell," I said, echoing Louisa.
    Robert handed me the flowers. "For you, Miss Lowell." He nodded at my thanks. Louisa began to introduce Robert to the MacGannons, but Alex stepped forward, extending his hand.
    "We've met before, Louisa," Alex said, his tone cheerful. "How are ye, Lord Campbell? Just arrived from France?" "Yes." Robert shook Alex's hand. "And you, Kilgannon? What brings you here?" They both glanced at me and then at each other.
    Alex laughed. "To London? My ship. Have ye met my cousins Angus and Matthew?" Angus stepped forward, offering Robert his hand; Robert shook it, then nodded to Matthew.
    "We're just leaving, Campbell," Alex said, "so the field is yers for the now. But I'll return." He turned to my aunt. "Louisa, I thank ye again for yer hospitality and yer forbearance."
    Louisa laughed at him. "Alex MacGannon, you do test me."
    "Aye, Countess, and ye always pass." Alex grinned at her, his blue eyes sparkling, then turned to me. "Miss Lowell, farewell for a bit."
    "Lord Kilgannon," I said, watching him bow over my hand.
    "I'll see ye in two nights," he said for all to hear and then in a lower tone added, "I count the hours, Mary. Dinna let the Campbell carry ye off in my absence. Guard yer heart, lass."
    He gave me a crooked smile and walked through the door Bronson held open. Angus and Matthew made their farewells and followed. I looked after them until Bronson closed the door, then turned to meet Robert's dark eyes, full of questions. I smiled.
    Louisa led us to the drawing room, where we discussed Robert's trip. The war with France, it appeared, was truly almost over and treaty discussions were under way. Robert was pleased about that but concerned about the situation in Spain, and I watched him as he and Louisa talked. Tall and fit, he was a handsome man, his even features now, as usual, set in a pleasant expression. Many women would seek his company—and had. His hair was tied back simply and his clothes, fashionable without any affected ostentation, were impeccably tailored, chosen to complement his dark hair and deep-set brown eyes. He stretched a leg, clad in buff, before him, and I admired the lines of his body. And realized again how fond of him I was. Fond. Not struck breathless. With a meaningful glance at me, Louisa left us. For the first time in our relationship I was reluctant to be alone with Robert. We walked in the formal gardens together in awkward silence.
    "How have you been, Mary?"
    I turned to him with a fixed smile. "Fine, Robert. And you? It's lovely to have you back in London. Tell me of your trip. What was it you were doing in France if you were not in the field?"
    "It would not interest you, Mary," he said dismissively.
    I lifted my chin, thinking of Alex discussing Scottish politics the night we'd met. "I'll tell you if it bores me, Robert," I said lightly. "What did you do?"
    He smiled. "Truly it would bore you." He spoke mildly, but his scrutiny belied his tone. "I am pleased to have returned but quite surprised to see you in the company of a man like Lord

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