Kill Shot

Kill Shot by J. D. Faver

Book: Kill Shot by J. D. Faver Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. D. Faver
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
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Fawn had left any of her belongings behind to serve as an excuse for a return visit.
    She didn’t find any Fawn leftovers but when she opened the bottom drawer of Oz’ bureau she found a wealth of Micki memorabilia. The drawer was crammed with photos, ticket stubs and programs from their years of togetherness. Some of the contents were things Micki had bundled and dumped on his doorstep when she’d broken up with him.
    He’d saved everything.
    She sat cross-legged on the floor recalling their history together. Tears stung her eyes when she saw their young, innocent faces peering out from photos, so obviously in love.
    She tried to remember a time when she hadn’t been Oz’ girl, but couldn’t. Even when they were children, she’d known he liked her. He protected her from the bullies at school, yet teased her unmercifully. It was understood. Micki was Oz’ girl.
    It had been so easy to float along with Oz, like an extra appendage he hadn’t really needed, but liked having around. Micki had so much to thank him for, but she’d repaid him by breaking his heart, along with her own in the process. She’d been drowning in Oz, smothering, but she’d clawed her way out. She wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to explain it to her own satisfaction, let alone his.
    Climbing up off the carpet, she made the bed, figuring they’d both be sleeping there tonight. That brought a whole other set of problems, in that she couldn’t imagine herself maintaining a semi-platonic relationship with Oz for much longer.
    She hated the way her entire body ached for him. He was addictive. If she was a little more selfish, she’d enjoy the physical pleasures Oz could deliver and then return to her independent career girl life that he hated when the threat was over.
    But she wasn’t a taker. She wouldn’t let him get his hopes up unless she could guarantee giving him what he really wanted. He doesn’t deserve to be let down again .
    And I can’t give up being me.
    Micki checked out the refrigerator and pantry and made a grocery list.
    She wasn’t sure how long her imposed incarceration in Oz’ place would last, but she would shop for a few days anyway because she didn’t want him to keep ordering in.
    When Oz came through the door that evening, she was waiting for him. She relayed their need for groceries while he changed out of his uniform. They were in his car when Micki’s cell phone rang.
    “Micki? It’s Zondra. I’ve been robbed!”
    A tingling sensation worked its way down Micki’s spine. “What happened?’ She could hear Zondra sobbing hysterically through the phone.
    “Someone ran my car off the road and stole my pictures.”
    “Where are you?” Micki asked.
    “I’m at the emergency room. They insisted on bringing me here after the wreck.”
    “We’ll be right there.” Micki snapped the phone closed and asked Oz to drive to the hospital. “Someone took her proofs.”
    At the ER, Oz parked in the visitor parking lot. When Micki asked for Zondra at the information desk, he flashed his badge and they were allowed back inside the busy treatment area.
    “Micki!” Zondra gasped, reaching for her with the aplomb of an accomplished drama queen.
    “Zondra, are you alright?”
    “No!” she shrieked. “Just look at my face!” A tiny cut beside her eye had been butterflied with a steri-strip and a doctor was dressing the scrape on her forehead with a gauze pad.
    “It doesn’t look too bad.” Micki gave her an encouraging smile.
    Zondra squinted at Micki. “Omigod! What happened to you? Your face looks worse than mine.” Zondra’s large expressive eyes reflected total horror as she examined Micki’s bruises.
    “I...had an accident,” she said.
    Zondra looked up at Oz for the first time. Her gaze flicked over his tall muscular form, resting momentarily on the badge and weapon affixed to his utility belt. She extended her lovely manicured hand. “Zondra Sebastian.”
    “This is Oz...Paul Osmond,

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