Killer Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 3)
to feel safe .
    Curtis found that the guy was easy enough to overpower, making him yet another fucker who wouldn’t think twice about assaulting a woman but couldn’t even begin to take the same thing from another man. Christ , Curtis hated guys like this – sniveling little jerks who intimidated and hurt people weaker than them, just to feel like a big man.
    Not so fucking tough now, are you?
    The guy was a mess, panting and cursing on the floor and Curtis backed up now, massaging his knuckles. No sense hurting the guy too badly, he figured. He nodded at Jax who came over and hauled the idiot up by his shirt. He sighed and threw him unceremoniously in to a chair. The guy's friend was already slumped in one himself, looking dazed from Mac’s punches to his gut.
    “You OK?” Jax asked Curtis. “Your hands?”
    “Sore. I’ll get some ice on them later. You?”
    Jax waved his hands. “No problem. How’s Tessa?”
    “Bad bump on her head.”
    Mac looked up, concerned. “How bad?”
    “I don’t know. Come and take a look at her, doc?”
    “Yeah, absolutely.”
    Jax switched his attention over to Aidan and Gabi who were still standing over by the wall. “Guys? OK?”
    Gabi shook her head. “Aidan’s bleeding. That beer glass cut him.”
    “Goddammit.” Jax looked around the bar. “OK, folks. Me and my staff need to do some clean-up. You all need to move out of this section and if you want a drink, King’ll get it for you.”
    King grinned. “I love when I get to tend the bar. The tips are just so good, you know?”
    “Yeah, I know. Have fun, man.”
    King sauntered off to the bar and immediately a long line of women followed him, eager to flirt with him over a shot or two. Jax shook his head and smiled. He knew that King was with Naomi one hundred percent, but it seemed that the women who frequented Curves hadn’t gotten the memo yet.
    “OK,” Jax said, back in control. “Alex, you watch these assholes until the cops get here. Aidan, sit your ass down until the ambulance guys arrive to check you over. Gabi, you OK to help me out?”
    “Yes.” She looked a bit pale, but she was steady. “What do you need me to do?”
    “Help me clean up a bit?”
    She looked at all the broken glass everywhere. “Sure thing. Let me go to my room and get my running shoes, OK?”
    Jax glanced down at Kenleigh’s sexy-as-fuck high-heeled boots that she was wearing. “Yeah, sure.”
    Behind her, Don and Lizard exchanged glances. They withdrew a bit, moved away from Jax and Aidan.
    “You heard that?” Lizard whispered. “She has a room here?”
    “Yeah. I’ll follow her, see which one is hers.”
    Lizard nodded, watched Don head off to the bathroom, walk right on past it. He looked around the bar, a bit stunned that within two minutes everything had just gone back to normal, as if the fight hadn’t just happened. The music was back on, the games at the pool tables had resumed, the booze was flowing, laughter was echoing around the room. He supposed that at Curves, shit like this happened often enough that nobody was all that fazed by it.
    My kind of place, for damn sure .
    He sat in the booth again, picked up his whisky. He was running low and he decided to get one more before they left to go report in to Trigger.
    Don returned now, looking smug. He sat across from Lizard, threw back his drink. “We’ve got her.”
    “Fuck, yeah.” Lizard leaned forward. “Which room?”
    “Two. She used a key and I got a good look in before she shut the door. Clothes and makeup and shit everywhere. She’s definitely moved in here.”
    “Goddamn.” An ugly grin split his face in two. “Trigger’s gonna owe us so damn big for this.”
    “Sure is.”
    They fell silent as Gabi came back now, carrying a broom and dust pan. She started to sweep up the glass carefully, really focused on getting every little piece. The blond guy holding a towel to his back watched her every move, looked at her like the sun rose and set on

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