Kiss Me
    Luke turned and looked in Jay’s direction. The two of them had been subjected to Mitch’s “picture this” stories for the past six months. All of them dealt with a busty such and such and ended with Mitch coming off like a porn star.
    “I’m late for an appointment.” Luke shoved the laptop into his briefcase. “So as much as I’d like to hear about your weekend…”
    “No, dude, it’ll only take a sec.”
    With the attitude Mitch had toward women, he probably finished in a “sec.”
    “Saturday night, me and my buddies went to this shitty dive bar in Tremont. I was ready to blow the place when I met these two smokin’ hot chicks.” Mitch smacked the desk. “Oh man, I’m tellin’ ya, I thought for sure I was about to relive a night I had with this girl I dated in law school. Did I ever tell you about that? You know? Me and two girls?”
    Without waiting for an answer, Mitch blurted, “Yeah, she was something sweet. J.C. was her name and getting it on was her game.” He waggled his blonde brows. “Wanna know what the J and the C stands for? ‘Cause it’ll blow you away.”
    Luke stood. “Mitch, I really don’t have time for —”
    “Wait a minute. Are you telling us you had a threesome?” Jay asked, and motioned for Luke to hang tight.
    Mitch folded his arms across his chest. “I don’t want to brag or anything…”
    All Mitch did was brag. About his car, his house, his women.
    “Okay.” Mitch lowered his tone and pointed a finger at them. “This is on the down low, understand?”
    Jay nodded, and Luke shook his head in disgust.
    “So I was dating J.C. Damn, if she wasn’t hotter than hell. Blonde, great body. Anyway, one night, I hooked up with this chick from one of my law classes. I mean picture it. I’m totally doing the nasty and in walks J.C. I figured for sure she’d throw a hissy fit, but she eyed up the girl I was with, then asked if we wanted company.”
    Jay jerked his head. “Seriously?”
    Luke wanted to drop his briefcase on Jay’s foot for feeding Mitch’s ego. He didn’t believe half the crap that came out of his veneered mouth. Although…
    Mitch did turn just about every woman’s head who worked for Dryscal & Myers. While crass behind closed doors, hanging with just the guys, when it came to his job, to having to impress the right people, Mitch appeared charming, likeable, and hardworking. Luke fought from cringing. Mitch might come off as a candescent superstar to women and the powers that be within the firm, but based on these types of closed door sessions, he was still an ass in his book.
    “Hell yeah, I’m serious.” Mitch shoved off the desk and approached the door. “I wouldn’t bullshit you guys. I’m telling you, the things J.C. and I did, the hot, raunchy —” A quick rap at the office door interrupted Mitch’s sexcapades.
    Luke turned, just as Gwen leaned against the doorjamb. Wearing a scowl, and a power suit with shoulder pads, she reminded him of some of the linebackers he’d faced on the football field in college. At least those guys had played fair, while Gwen had the tendency to hit below the belt.
    “Gwen,” Mitch gushed, and sent her a smile which practically revealed everyone of his ultra white, capped teeth. “How is it that, after slaving at the office all day, unlike the rest of us, you look as fresh as you did this morning?”
    Jay released a deep sigh, which bordered on a groan, while Luke forced himself not to roll his eyes. Especially when Gwen returned Mitch’s smile and placed a hand to her short hair.
    She cleared her throat as she pushed off the doorjamb. “Thank you, Mitch. After all of the hard work you’ve done on the Emmerson contract, I hope you’ve decided to give yourself a night off, you truly deserve a break.”
    Mitch sidestepped her, as he headed into the hallway. “Thanks for noticing, Gwen, but when one deal’s done, there’s always another.” Sighing, he shook his head and shoved a hand in

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