Kiss Me, Katie

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Book: Kiss Me, Katie by Monica Tillery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Tillery
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Young Adult
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Blake Jackson, but if it bothered them, nobody said anything. She wasn’t sure if she was just being touchy, but it seemed like they might come to resent her for the special treatment. As it was, everybody on board their bus was snappish with each other, and nobody was getting along. It was disappointing, really, to not be able to enjoy the tour when it would be over so soon.
    The tension on the Sterling tour bus was thick when Blake called. Katie accepted his invitation for dinner in Knoxville as soon as the question left his lips.
    “Yes, I’d love to. I gotta get out of here!” she said breathlessly.
    “Well, darlin’, I think I’m just going to let myself believe that you’re excited to see me. I’d hate to think that I’m just an easy means of escape,” Blake laughed good-naturedly.
    “Of course I’m looking forward to seeing you. I’m just also looking forward to getting a break from the guys. They’re not exactly my biggest fans these days. I think we’ll all benefit from a little break from one another. Where are we going?”
    “That, my dear, is a surprise. Just relax and don’t worry your pretty little head about it, sweetheart. You’ll find out when I pick you up at six.” With that, Blake ended the call, leaving Katie smiling and giddy with anticipation. She and Blake hadn’t been on a proper date since the dinner in Tuscaloosa. They had been forced to settle for stolen moments in dressing rooms, nights out with the bands, and phone calls. She couldn’t complain, though; it was an unconventional courtship, but every moment with Blake had been a dream come true.
    During those stolen encounters, Katie had pieced together an understanding of Blake. It wasn’t the ideal way to get to know someone, but it worked. She found that she had to force herself to focus on the tour, to be present when she was with her band. Every moment they were apart, Katie felt the pull towards Blake, found her mind wandering, wondering what he was doing and reliving a kiss or an embrace. They had certainly made the most of their moments together, sharing kisses and secrets, getting to know one another. Going out on a real date would be a special treat tonight, and six o’clock couldn’t come soon enough.
    Katie rifled through her luggage to find something to wear on her mystery date, hoping that if she needed to dress a certain way that Blake would have told her. She settled on a cute casual outfit and concentrated her efforts on her hair and makeup.
    • • •
    Katie forgot her worries of being underdressed in her skirt and simple top when they pulled into the parking lot of Betty’s, a rustic-looking restaurant advertising Knoxville’s best home cooking. A wraparound porch housed large rocking chairs and whiskey barrel flower planters. An elderly man wearing denim overalls and a red baseball cap rocked slowly back and forth in one of the chairs and offered a friendly wave and toothy grin to Blake and Katie as they climbed the steps toward the door.
    The pair entered the bustling restaurant and Blake received shouted greetings, hearty handshakes, and playful pats on the back. As Katie’s eyes adjusted to the restaurant’s dim interior, she noticed peanut shells covering the smooth cement floor, a knotty pine bar lined with rugged-looking men in work shirts and trucker hats, neon beer signs, and a large table in the corner where a family sat, looking at them excitedly. Katie hid her bewilderment behind a smile as Blake took her hand and led her purposefully towards the smiling family.
    Her confusion grew as a woman and two men who looked somehow familiar stood and hurried towards Blake, where they wrapped him in a fierce group hug. The woman was kissing Blake’s cheek while the older man held onto Blake’s hand, the younger man having stepped back. Blake moved back towards Katie and put an arm around her waist. “Mom, Dad, this is Katie McCoy. Katie, meet Betty and Roy Jackson.”
    “Wow, hi, what a

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