Kiss Me, Katie
broken when I have to go home.”
    Blake gave her a gentle smile. “I know, darlin’. Relationships have never been my strong point. I don’t know what will happen between us, what can happen, in three weeks, but I just figured we’d ride it out and see. We don’t have to decide now, and we definitely don’t need to worry about anything just yet. Let’s just have some fun together and see what happens.”
    • • •
    Katie felt foolish for admitting her fears, for opening up so soon, for assuming so much. She had such a poor track record when it came to relationships. No boyfriend had made it past a month or two with her, so she was beginning to wonder if she was the problem. She’d find a nice guy, get to know him, and then before she knew it they were breaking up. The common denominator in these discussions was the band, how much time it took, how often she went away for gigs, what she was doing when she was on the road. Guys couldn’t manage to be supportive without being jealous and she always had to cut them loose.
    Now here she was sitting across from a gorgeous man, having just shared an amazing kiss, and she’s already worried about how they’re going to end things? What was she doing? Blake Jackson was the country’s biggest star. She should consider herself lucky to be on this date, should just enjoy it while she could. He probably thought she was a basket case.

Chapter Five
    Katie woke up the next morning feeling more tired than when she had fallen into bed the night before. Replaying her date with Blake in her mind over and over again as she lie in bed kept her up, unable to fall asleep. The kiss had been magic, pure magic. She couldn’t remember ever having felt so close to someone that she had just met, and not knowing if Blake felt the same was killing her. Was she a distraction for him? A fling to keep his mind (and lips) occupied while he was on the road? Or did he feel the pull, the draw, towards her like she did to him? Would he take the time to get to know her or be like every other guy she met and want to take things straight to the bedroom?
    Katie had met her share of guys interested in only one thing, and it wasn’t her budding music career. Why couldn’t she find someone who supported her dreams and didn’t make her feel guilty for pursuing her goals? She had never wanted anything more than to make a career with her music, and this tour was the best way to move that forward. Distracting herself with Blake wasn’t going to get her anywhere. The guys on the bus were beginning to stir, so she pulled herself together and pasted a smile on her face. It was time to focus on the men in her life who wanted the same things she did.
    • • •
    Katie jumped at the knock on her dressing room door. “Yes?” Her sleepless night had caught up with her and she was dozing on her little couch, trying to rest up for that night’s show.
    “It’s me, Katie.” Blake’s muffled voice answered.
    “Come on in.” She sat up on the couch and ran her fingers through her hair.
    Blake closed the door quietly behind him and crossed the room to join Katie on her couch, his eyes dancing and his expression warm. He sat next to her and chuckled. “Looks like I woke somebody up.”
    She yawned and stretched. “I must have drifted off. I was just resting up a little before it was time to get ready for tonight.”
    “Sweetheart, I didn’t think it was possible, but you look even cuter when you’re sleepy.” Blake held a strand of Katie’s hair between his fingers before tucking it behind her ear.
    “You are too sweet, Mr. Jackson.” Katie cast her eyes down demurely at the compliment. Already, being on tour with Blake had pushed them into situations where they normally wouldn’t have seen each other for weeks or months into the relationship. Charles was right, being on tour was like being in a pressure cooker. Everything was moving faster than in what Katie considered the real world. Her worries

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