Kiss of Crimson

Kiss of Crimson by Lara Adrián

Book: Kiss of Crimson by Lara Adrián Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lara Adrián
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy
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he‘d spotted on his attacker outside the club earlier tonight. ―Any idea what killed them?‖
    Chase nodded. ―Narcotic overdose.‖
    ―Any of you hear chatter around town about a new club drug called Crimson?‖ Lucan asked the group of warriors. None had. ―From what Agent Chase has told me, it‘s a particularly nasty bit of chemistry that‘s been showing up lately among the Breed‘s younger crowds. It‘s a stimulant and mild hallucinogenic that also produces a burst of enormous strength and endurance. But that‘s just the appetizer. The real fun starts about fifteen minutes into ingestion.‖
    ―That‘s right,‖ Agent Chase added. ―Users who eat or inhale this red powder soon experience extreme thirst and feverlike chills. They convulse into a mindless, animal state, exhibiting all the traits of Bloodlust, from the fixed, elliptical pupils and permanently extruded fangs to the insatiable need for blood. If the individual is left to quench that need, he is almost certain to turn Rogue. If he continues to use Crimson, this,‖ Chase said, pointing to the morgue photos, ―is the other outcome.‖
    Dante cursed, half in frustration for the epidemic hysteria just waiting to erupt among the Darkhaven populations, but also for the realization that the young Bloodlusting vampire he‘d killed tonight was a Breed youth, like these, hopped up on the shit Chase had just described. He had a hard time feeling bad about taking the kid out when he‘d been coming at Dante like a ton of bricks.
    ―This drug, Crimson,‖ Dante said. ―Any thought on where it‘s coming from, who might be manufacturing it or distributing it?‖
    ―We have nothing more to go on than what I‘ve presented here.‖
    Dante saw Lucan‘s grave expression and understood where this was heading. ―Ah, and so this is where we come in, is that it?‖
    ―The Darkhavens have asked for our assistance in identifying and, if practical or even possible, bringing back any missing civilians we might run across in our nightly patrols. Obviously, as a part of that, it is in our shared interest to put a stop to Crimson and those who deal in it. I think we can all agree that the last thing the Breed needs is more vampires turning Rogue.‖
    Dante nodded along with the others.
    ―The Order‘s willingness to assist with this problem is greatly appreciated. My thanks to all of you,‖ Chase said, letting his gaze settle on each of the Breed warriors in turn. ―But there is one more thing, if I may?‖
    Lucan gave a slight incline of his head, gesturing for the agent to continue.
    Chase cleared his throat. ―I would like to have an active part in the operation.‖
    A long, heavy silence stretched out as Lucan scowled, leaning back in his chair at the head of the table. ―Active in what way?‖
    ―I want to ride along with one or more members of the Order, to personally monitor the operation and to assist in the retrieval of these missing individuals.‖
    Seated on the other side of Dante, Nikolai burst out laughing.
    Gideon raked his fingers through his cropped hair, then threw his pale blue shades onto the table.
    ―We don‘t take civilians along on our operations. Never have, never will.‖
    Even Tegan, the stoic one, who hadn‘t uttered a single word one way or the other throughout the entire meeting, was finally moved to voice his disagreement. ―You won‘t live to the end of your first night, Agent,‖ he said without inflection, only cold truth.
    Dante held his disbelief inside, certain that Lucan would shut the agent down with the power of his level glare alone. But Lucan didn‘t reject the idea outright. He stood up, his fists braced on the edge of the conference table.
    ―Leave us,‖ he told Chase. ―My brethren and I will discuss your request privately. Our business here is finished for now, Agent Chase. You may return to the Darkhaven to await our decision. I will be in contact with you.‖
    Dante and the rest of the warriors stood

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