Knight Errant

Knight Errant by Rue Allyn Page B

Book: Knight Errant by Rue Allyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rue Allyn
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    “Not with the promise of an equal sum for taking us to Palermo.”
    “There are other matters to discuss, and the soundness of his vessel to determine.”
    “I inspected the ship and found it to be seaworthy.”
    “But I did not inspect it, and I am your guide.”
    “There is no time for another inspection. We sail with the morning tide.” She felt nerves twinge behind her smile and fought for calm.
    “There is something you are not telling me.”
    “I have been completely honest with you.”
    “I do not doubt your honesty, just your thoroughness.”
    “I am sorry you find me lacking.” She sniffed and walked to the door. “Now if you will excuse me, I must see that Berthild and Gretle are prepared. There is much to do, if we are to be ready and on board the ship in time.” She swept out of the room.
    • • •
    Robert peered through the misty morning at the Arabic letters decorating the ship’s prow. “You bought passage on a Saracen’s ship!” He was ready to strangle her. No wonder Juliana had not wanted to tell him the name of the ship or how to find the captain.
    “Luigi may be a Saracen, but he is also son to the Doge of Genoa, which makes him half Genoan,” she explained with the patience of a tutor.
    “I do not care if he’s from the moon. We cannot travel on a Saracen vessel.” Behind Robert, Luigi’s crew loaded the Beguines’ supplies along with other freight.
    “Nonsense, we will be safer on this ship than on any vessel carrying a Christian flag. Raiders are much less likely to attack one that resembles their own. Besides, you had no success hiring a Christian vessel.”
    He fumed in silence.
    “Do not glower at me, sir. ’Tis not I who am narrow of mind about the capabilities of Saracen sailors.” She took his arm and strolled toward the gangplank. “Now tell me, did the ship meet with your requirements when you inspected it?”
    “She seems sound enough, but I still have my doubts.” The scrape of a foot on the dock drew his attention.
Dona Juliana
. How are you this fine morning?” The words slid from the fog as a most extraordinary figure eased forward. “Beautiful as ever,
mi amore
,” he continued, twining her hands with his.
    By Robert’s standards the man was small, scarcely taller than Juliana, with swarthy skin and tawny eyes. A wide smile emphasized the narrow face that Robert did not trust for an instant. Long, dark locks flowed from pate to shoulder, and the captain wore what looked like a twist of silken rags atop his head. The thing was probably a Saracen turban, but never had Robert seen one quite so . . . disorganized.
    The ship’s master swirled his robes gracefully and bowed, managing to reveal a bare, muscular chest in the process. Robert took note. Small the man was, but not weak, save perhaps where Juliana was concerned.
    The Saracen’s expression bespoke pure lust at the sight of her. Any man would recognize the look. Juliana should have seen it, too, and been wary of the man. Instead she smiled at the fellow’s overblown compliments, as if she enjoyed his attention.
    Robert frowned. He knew that smile did not of necessity mean she was happy. So the Saracen’s behavior worried him even more.
    Juliana retrieved her hands from the serpentine grasp, but not before Robert noticed the heightened flush on her cheeks and the emotion lighting her eyes. She could not possibly admire the insignificant snake, could she?
    Robert coughed and straightened to his full height. “And you are?”
    “Don Luigi Paolo Al Tanzik Iben Hassen, at your service.” He flourished the twisted cloth and gave another exaggerated bow.
    “Sir Robert Clarwyn, Baron Ravensmere.” He knew not which disgusted him more, treating this toad as an equal or uttering the title he had gotten from his detested father.
    Don Luigi grinned. “I see you are jealous that you must give the so glorious
over into my keeping for the journey to Palermo. Fear not.” He cast a

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