Knight of the Empress
Charlemagne.  Then Rolf led us by a back door into the palace.  Compared with the Emperor's palace in Constantinople this was just a large castle and it was barely bigger than Caen.  The six of us would share a room whilst our squires would have to make do with the servant's quarters.  Harold was still impressed.  He shrugged when he saw where he would sleep, "When you have slept for most of your life in the green sward then a roof is a luxury.  I am content, Baron."
    Once we had washed and changed into more comfortable clothes I asked Guy and Rolf for they seemed to know more than I did, "What happens now? Do we eat and then return to Caen tomorrow?  We have done as we were asked."
    Rolf said, "We are based here anyway but I would imagine that there will be a feast and then the Emperor will want to reward you."
    "Are you certain?"
    He shrugged, "It is normal and he sometimes likes cavalry games."
    "Cavalry games?"
    "Aye knights fight with blunted weapons watched by the King's heralds.  The victor normally gets a prize." He held up a beautifully decorated dagger.  "I won one and received this.  These are precious stones upon the hilt."
    Edward and Guy nodded, "I have heard of these.  My uncle, the Count, has spoken of holding one when more peaceful times descend upon us."
    "When I served in the borders some of the Normans there liked them.  They are good for training." Rolf was a well travelled knight.
    "How do they work then?"
    "You fight in conroi.  There might be six or seven different conroi.  When the herald thinks you would have been wounded then you leave the mêlée . The last man standing normally wins although if you fight bravely enough then you are rewarded too."
    I shook my head, "It sounds like the gladiatorial games from ancient Rome."
    "No, my friend, they were to the death. You receive bruises only and damage to your reputation; that is all. I will try to discover what is happening.  If there is nothing then we will explore the town.  There are some interesting sights."
    While he was away Edward and I sought our men. We left Guy polishing his sword.  He hoped to catch the eye of the Emperor.  He was a landless knight who could not even afford a squire.  He had to impress where he could. "Keep yourselves amused and out of trouble."
    Wulfric laughed, "Easier said than done, Baron."
    Edward nodded, "If idle hands need something to do then paint your shields blue.  The Baron and I have decided we shall all look the same.  People will know, on the field, that we are Norton!"
    They liked the idea and we left them discussing how to make the paint that they would need. Edward chuckled, "That is better than having them spending their coins in the taverns and getting into fights with the locals."
    "Would they do that, Edward?"
    "They would not mean to but they are Englishmen and, as such, think they are worth ten of any foreigner." He suddenly realised what he had said, "Sorry, Baron, I meant no offence."
    It was my turn to laugh, "I wouldn't worry.  I think of myself as English rather than Greek. We had better take some coins with us in case we have the chance to buy a surcoat or two."
    "Is that likely, my lord?"
    "It depends if there is a tailor here who wishes to earn money.  But we will wait until we discover what Rolf has to say.  It may be that we leave the day after tomorrow."
    Even as I said it I knew that I did not want to leave.  The Empress Matilda held a fascination for me.  I suddenly felt guilty as I thought of Adela, back in Stockton.  She had given me a lucky charm and obviously thought much of me and I had not even thought about her once.  This was the first time and that was only because I thought of my castle.
    While we waited for Rolf's return we explored the public areas of the castle.  There were many rooms forbidden to us. Stern faced guards moved poleaxes across the doors.  We were guests, just about, but I suspected that, in the Emperor's eyes, we were not welcome

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