Knight of the Empress
the floor and felt myself winded. Behind the giant I saw a battle was going on outside our doors.  I had to roll to the side as the axe came down again.  I had to take charge and end this. I dived forward and my sword ripped into his kneecap, just below his leather byrnie. As he stepped back on his good leg I jumped to my feet and thrust the sword into his throat. He had no metal there and he collapsed in a heap.
    "Edward! Watch the Empress!"
    Guy was behind me.  He had his sword in his hand but, like me, he was just in his gambeson. "I hoped they might have given up."
    "No such luck.  Ready?"
    "Aye ready."
    We leapt from the door.  As far as I could see the men who were attacking us had no mail.  That did not help us for neither did we.   However they were not skilled swordsmen and I hoped that we could take advantage of that. It was a large band which had invaded our camp and sheer weight of numbers meant that some had got through our men at arms.  A huddle of seven came hurtling towards the two of us. Three were thrown to the ground by arrows sent into their backs.  I stepped forward and swung my sword in a wide sweep. I held my hand before me and, as my sword ripped into the shoulder of one warrior I managed to grab hold of the shaft of the spear which was heading for my eye.  I continued to bring the sword around and it sliced through the top of the skull of the spearman.  I retained hold of the spear and, flipping it the air, used it defensively in my left hand as some protection from that side.
    More men had broken through and, although my archers were felling as many as they could we were in danger of being overwhelmed.  I heard a roar of anger behind as I threw the spear left handed at an advancing man wield an axe.  At the same time I swung my sword at head height to keep the others at bay.  Guy and I were back to back.  Suddenly the three Swabians came hurtling from the door of the hunting lodge.  They had their mighty swords in two hands and they charged so quickly that we were in danger of being knocked over by our allies. As the axe man looked in terror at the three Swabians I darted forward beneath his axe and gutted him.
    Guy and I followed the three swordsmen as they drove the terrified assassins down the hill towards the river.  Our task was easy.  We swung our swords and hacked at any who were wounded by the wild charge of the Empress' protectors. By the time we reached the river the hillside was cleared. It took the Swabians some time to return by which time we had made sure that there was no further danger to the Empress. Seven of the German men at arms had paid the price of defending the Empress with their lives. I had lost two more men.  Wilfred the man at arms and Grant the archer were gone.  Both had died in the first assault. We had one prisoner.  He would not last until morning.  Guy's sword had ripped across his stomach and those wounds were always fatal.
    "Wulfric, see to our wounded. Brian, make sure the island is secure."
    When the Swabians returned we had them question the man.  They were not gentle. They spoke in German and I understood not a word. Finally Rolf nodded, took his sword and took the man's head.
    "He asked for a quick death in return for information." He pointed to the dead, "They were hired by a Frenchman. He did not know who paid but I am guessing Louis.  They were sent for on the same day you reached Nancy.  There must be a spy or agent in the town."
    When Wulfric and Brian returned they had a puzzled look on their faces. "There are no wounded and the German Sergeant is missing."
    Rolf nodded, "I thought there was something suspicious about him. He must have been Lothar and Konrad's man."
    I wiped my sword on the tunic of one of the dead.  "The sooner we reach Worms the better.  We cannot afford to lose any more of our men."
    There were few coins on the men.  I suspect they would have been given half first and would receive the balance on fulfilment

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