Knights of the Boardroom
terror in her heart whenever she thinks back on it. Hell, if it’s awful—why would she want to continue exploring when the only frame of reference she’ll have is pain. She’d probably be packed and headed back to D.C. before dawn if we came at her full force. Fuck, you know as well as I do that we’ve been known to put experienced subs into an orgasmic coma and I don’t want to think about how overwhelming that kind of pleasure might be for her.” Most of all Law didn’t want to do anything that might endanger their chances to make her theirs. The chemistry between the three of them had gotten so intense, Law had known they weren’t going to be able to ignore it much longer—but he also hadn’t expected Cressi would be the one to make the first move.
    “Fuck me. I really need to take another look at the limit list she sent back to Tristan. Did you see where she tried to deny us the privilege of providing her wardrobe? I understand and respect her objection—in principle, but she really has no idea how expensive thin strips of silk, leather, and lace can be. And we enjoy shredding whatever our sub is wearing—that expense is probably going to become a line item in our budget if we collar her.” Leave it to Brodie to focus on the legal and accounting details when all Law could think about was getting her naked and exploring every square inch of her sweet little body.
    “She’s frightened and I understand that because she doesn’t know who is going to be training her.” The look on Brodie’s face was priceless—something between stunned disbelief and abject horror.
    “Well, she sure as hell isn’t working with anyone else. She’s ours. She has always been ours.” Law wanted to laugh at his friend’s ferocity, if it had been up to Brodie, they’d have resolved this dilemma long ago. During several late night talks with Parker and Tristan, he and Brodie had talked endlessly to their business partners about their desire to claim Cressida Walker. Both men had repeatedly expressed their concern the entire situation was a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen, and oddly enough it had been Lawton who had agreed while Brodie had shaken his head in denial. “She is incredibly insightful, but she is searching for something and if we don’t show her, someone else will. I see it when I look into her eyes, and Lawton you see it too, I know you do. There is a hunger there, a bone deep belief there is something more out there, she just doesn’t know what it is or where to look for it—but deep in her heart she knows it exists.”
    In the end none of their philosophical observations mattered, because Cressida had taken the decision out of their hands when she’d called Tristan. There wasn’t a chance in hell they would let her work with anyone else at The Knight’s Club. And it wasn’t that there weren’t plenty of other Doms who were more than qualified and who would no doubt have been completely on board with a month-long training contract. Some of the world’s wealthiest and most influential people were members and the waiting list read like a who’s who among the up and coming as well. One of the reasons The Knight’s Club memberships were so coveted was because they couldn’t simply be bought. Memberships were incredibly expensive, but all the money in the world was useless if you didn’t make it through the screening process. Even guests were heavily screened, if they were cleared they were only allowed in the most public areas for special events, they were never allowed to play.
    Lawton agreed they had no choice if they wanted to make her theirs, the question was could they take it slow enough to keep from scaring her out of their arms.
    Brodie watched Lawton closely waiting for him to return his attention to their conversation. He knew his friend would get lost in a mass of schematics, spreadsheets, and strategic plans if he let him brood too long. Damn, he’s going to plan himself

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