Knights of the Boardroom
like yourself become more comfortable in their own skin. A big part of that is knowing you are not responsible for everything that occurs around you. Apologize only when you have done something you genuinely wish you hadn’t or something you should have known would hurt someone else. While it is true that our conversation brought back a painful memory for me, that’s my issue—not yours. You didn’t cause it, nor could you have possibly known to avoid it.”
    Cressi was shocked by his candor and all she could manage was a quick nod. He smiled and she let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding. She’d been reading about D/s relationships for a long time and the importance of open, honest communication was a recurring theme, and thinking back on that now, it seemed reasonable it should work both ways. But in Cressi’s experience, the more a group preached the importance of communication, the less likely they were to actually follow through.
    Tristan’s voice broke through her musings, “Let’s return to the subject at hand, shall we? Now, pay close attention to both cards. You only need to show up at both appointments and tell the receptionists your name—everything else has been taken care of, including the fees .” When she started to speak she was sure she heard him growl. “The second appointment is at the medical clinic the club frequently sends prospective members to, the staff knows exactly what we’ll require of them and they will forward a copy the report to me.” Again she opened her mouth to speak and he simply raised a hand to silence her. “This is a non-negotiable rule at The Knight’s Club, Cressida. No one is accepted for membership without a clean bill of health, and members who are not in committed, exclusive relationships must submit to quarterly blood tests and have the results forwarded to the club—so you are not being singled out. Your Doms will also be getting tested and they will show you copies of those reports.”
    Her head was spinning, this was far more complicated than she’d anticipated. It had obviously been very naïve of her to assume she’d simply get some sort of card she would present at the door. Cressi had envisioned herself wearing something skimpy but not too revealing and meandering around the club’s main room to check out the action. When she looked down at the cards and noted the times, she flinched, “I can’t go to these appointments—they’re during work hours. I—well, I can’t ask my bosses to let me off work for this, it wouldn’t be fair to them.” There wasn’t any way she would admit to this man that two of his best friends were the only Doms she was interested in working with. Just thinking about admitting her lack of sexual experience to Law or Brodie almost sent her running back to D.C. where she could spend years hiding from her desires and become the spinster her father had predicted she’d become.
    Admit it, the only reason you agreed to this arrangement is because you want them to be impressed with what a wonderful sub you are and claim you for their own. Sure it was a grown up version of a childish dream tantamount to princes riding in on white steeds to rescue the fair maiden…but it was the truth nonetheless. Good Lord, even thinking about it sounded corny, she couldn’t even imagine how awful it would sound if she was forced to voice it to a man as cultured as Tristan Harris. Right now her focus needed to remain on exploring her own desires—there was no reason to dream about an outcome so remote it was almost laughable. But Cressi was holding out hope that she would finally know one way or another if the reality of a D/s relationship was as hot as her fantasies.

Chapter Five
    Lawton stared utterly speechless at the email he’d just received. Tristan had forwarded a copy of Cressida’s medical report, and after all the usual statements verifying she was clean and protected from pregnancy, the physician

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