L.A. Confidential
He'd be assigned to a new platoon; his scout run dawdlings wouldn't wash. He could not request an HQ assignment--his father would deem the act cowardice. He would have to live with contempt--fellow LAPD men wounded, awarded medals.
      "Medals" led to "Bond Tours" led to crime scene reconstructions. He saw his opportunity.
      He found a Jap machine gun. He hauled the hara-kiri men to the trenches, put useless weapons in their hands, arranged them facing an opening in the clearing. He dropped the machine gun there, pointed toward the opening, three rounds left in the feeder belt. He got the flamethrower, torched the Japs and the shrine past forensic recognition. He got his story straight, made it back to battalion HQ.
      Recon patrols confirmed the story: fighting Ed Exley, armed with Jap ordnance, french-fried twenty-nine of the little fuckers.
      The Distinguished Service Cross--the second highest medal his country could bestow. A stateside bond tour, a hero's welcome, back to the LAPD a champion.
      Some kind of wary respect from Preston Exley.
      "Read the family scrapbook. Remember those precedents."
      Ed put the book away, still not sure how he'd play Bloody Christmas--but certain what the man meant.
      Opportunities fall easy--you pay for them later.
      Father, I've known it since I picked up that flamethrower.


      "If it goes to the grand jury, you won't swing. And the D.A. and I will try to keep it from going there."
      Jack counted favors on deposit. Sixteen G's to Loew's slush fund--Miller Stanton helped him lube the _Badge of Honor_ gang. He tweaked Brett Chase himself, a concise little threat--a _Hush-Hush_ exposé on his queerness. Max Peltz coughed up large--Loew frosted out a tax audit. A Cupid favor--tonight the man meets pouty Joan Morrow. "Ellis, I don't even want to testify. I'm talking to some lAD goons tomorrow, and it is going to the grand jury. So fix it."
      Loew played with his Phi Beta chain. "Jack, a prisoner assaulted you, and you responded in kind. You're clean. You're also somewhat of a public figure and the preliminary depositions that we've received from the plaintiff's attorneys state that four of the beating victims recognized you. You'll testify, Jack. But you won't swing."
      "I just thought I'd run it by you. But if you ask me to squeal on my brother officers, I'll plead fucking amnesia. Comprende, Counselor?"
      Loew leaned across his desk. "We shouldn't argue--we're doing too well together. Officer Wendell White and Sergeant Richard Stensland are the ones who should be worrying, not you. Besides, the grapevine tells me you have a new lady in your life."
      "You mean Joan Morrow told you."
      "Yes, and frankly she and her parents disapprove. You are fifteen years older than the girl, and you've had a checkered past."
      Caddy, ski instructor--an orphanage kid good at servicing rich folks. "Joanie offer details?"
      "Just that the girl has a mad crush on you and believes your press clippings. I assured Joan that those clippings are true. Karen tells Joan that so far you've behaved like a gentleman, which I find hard to believe."
      "That ends tonight, I hope. After our little double date, it's the _Badge of Honor_ wrap party and an intimate interlude somewhere."
      Loew twisted his vest chain. "Jack, has Joan been playing hard to get or does she really have that many men chasing her?"
      Jack twisted the knife. "She's a popular kid, but all those movie star guys are just fluff. Stick to your guns."
      "Movie stars?"
      "Fluff, Ellis. Cute, but fluff."
      "Jack, I want to thank you for coming along tonight. I'm sure you and Karen will be superb icebreakers."
      "Then let's hit it."

    o        o          o

      Don the Beachcomber's--the women waiting in a wraparound booth. Jack made introductions. "Ellis Loew, Karen Morrow and Joan Morrow. Karen, don't they make a lovely couple?"
      Karen said, "Hello," no hand squeeze--six dates and

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