Lady Alex's Gamble

Lady Alex's Gamble by Evelyn Richardson

Book: Lady Alex's Gamble by Evelyn Richardson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Richardson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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forward clapping a beaver at a rakish angle on her auburn curls—"do I not look my part?" She paused, hand on her hip, one leg thrust forward, a challenging sparkle in her eyes.
    Loath as he was to give what seemed like any son of sanction to this dangerous escapade, the doctor was forced to admit that aside from her brother's family, only Alexander's closest companions might have noticed the difference. As they were foxed more often than not, there seemed very little 54
    Lady Alex's Gamble
    by Evelyn Richardson
    likelihood of anyone's penetrating her disguise. He shook his head, smiling ruefully. "You are the very picture of your brother before he turned to gaming and drink. See that you do not follow in his footsteps, my fine young man." He wagged a stern finger at her, but his eyes were twinkling.
    "Now off with you so you may reach Cambridge by nightfall." Alex laughed and turned toward the open door of the cottage through which she could see the carriage waiting patiently. Now that she was actually on her way, she was forced to admit that she was assailed by doubts, not the least of which was leaving such good friends and protectors as Bessie and the doctor behind. All of them in their own ways had dedicated much of their lives and themselves to making her existence easier. Not only would she miss their advice and support, she would miss the sense of having people who cared as much about her welfare as these two did. Hurriedly blinking back unexpected tears, she shook hands with the doctor, gave the equally tearful Bessie a quick hug, and hurried out, forestalling Ned, who had secured the reins and hurried to help her into the carriage. "Now, Ned, none of that. If this venture is to be a success, you must begin to think of me as a great strapping man and not the tiresome young lady you threw on her first horse."
    "Yes, er, my lord, very good, my lord." With a diligent frown Ned laid heavy emphasis on the words as he climbed back on the box and took the reins. Lady Alexandra was a clever one all right—touched in the upper story, what with going through with this scheme of hers—but obviously keeping her wits about her by making sure of such tiny 55
    Lady Alex's Gamble
    by Evelyn Richardson
    details. Perhaps, just perhaps, she might succeed. He fervently hoped so. Ned was devoted to Lady Alex, as he had been to her father before her, and he had no intention of serving anyone else, God be willing. If Ned had had his way, he would have had that useless brother of hers horsewhipped for putting their future in such jeopardy. Failing that, the least he could do was crack the whip over the leaders and set them on the road to London and the recovery of their fortunes.
    [Back to Table of Contents]
    Lady Alex's Gamble
    by Evelyn Richardson

Chapter 6
    Exhausted after the emotional turmoil of the past weeks, the sleepless nights spent planning her course of action, the hours of practice dedicated to capturing Alexander's mannerisms to perfection, Alexandra ought to have relaxed against the cushions of the carriage with a sigh of relief that the first part of her scheme had been successfully carried out, but she was far too excited by the prospect of what lay ahead to do such a thing.
    There was so much that was unknown awaiting her in London, so much risk involved that she could hardly envision what to expect. Being of a practical nature, she tried to put vain speculations and worries out of her mind in order to calm down and clear her thoughts for the challenges to come. No matter how much she told herself to lie back and get a moment of repose, she could not. The idea of leaving behind the all-too familiar lanes and cottages and journeying into countryside that was completely foreign to her was far too intriguing to miss the least little bit of the trip by something so mundane as resting. Even while they were traveling roads she knew as well as Halewood's own graveled drive, she sat on the edge of her seat, observing it all

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