Land of Entrapment

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Authors: Andi Marquette
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stuffed with books, trolling the aisles, surreptitiously trying to sell the damn thing with dark whispers about how the government was coming to get us all, and take our guns, too.
    I wrote “NA, recruitment” on my legal pad and scribbled a few notations. Even after Pierce’s death, the NA still actively recruited young people, appealing to them with a classy Web site, easy downloads, and an online bookstore. I checked in with them probably once a month, to see what issues were pissing them off. Like other right-wing extremist groups, the NA had tried to downplay the more violent rhetoric that characterized it during the 1980s and 1990s. The leadership started using phrases like
    “be proud of your heritage” and “we don’t hate non-whites. We just love the white race.” Not very catchy for T-shirts, I thought as I read over another sheet of paper Megan had downloaded.
    The other flyers called on Aryan warriors to take a stand against “mud people,” a term I wrote down along with its definition, “non-white people.” Some flyers also mentioned “ZOG”—“Zionist Occupied Government”—part of the anti-Semitism that riddled the white supremacist right. Those in the movement believed that a secret cabal of Jews had been running world events for thousands of years and that this group controlled global finances and all major governments on the planet. I shook my head at the next paragraph, which said that Jews weren’t really God’s chosen people. Rather, the white race was actually the chosen people and Jews had spent hundreds of years keeping this fact secret from European and later American whites. Zog. Sounds like something off a PlayStation game.
    I stood up and stretched. Though it was nothing new for me, I was having a difficult time reading through this stuff knowing that Megan might believe it, especially since she had known me for six years prior to the break-up and she knew what I researched.
    What were you thinking? I silently asked her, wishing she’d just come home and that this was just a mistake she’d made on relationship road and that she’d be okay and still clean and would just go back to school and finish up her degree and get on with her life.
    My eyes fell on a reference to “Identity.” I sighed heavily and picked the paper up so I could read it more thoroughly. I added some notes about
    “Christian Identity” to my legal pad: “belief forms core of white supremacist groups, based on obscure school of thought that claims that one of the ten lost tribes of Israel was progenitor of white English people, who eventually ended up in U.S.” I thought about that for a bit, too. Eventually, in the hands of a core of racist preachers just before and then after World War II, “Identity” took on anti-Semitic overtones. I set the paper aside and studied another National Alliance flyer, my brow furrowing. All it takes is some guy with an audience and an axe to grind. It makes it a lot easier to hate people if you think they’d been purposefully hiding shit from you since Biblical times.
    I started dividing the piles into categories on Megan’s couch, recognizing all of the groups. Klan chapters, some neo-Nazi stuff out of Pennsylvania, National Alliance, Aryan Nations. Somebody had underlined certain phrases on some of the pamphlets, especially references to the role of white women in the coming race war—referred to as “RAHOWA,” or Racial Holy War—and how to prepare for doomsday, which for these people generally meant a government takeover. Oh, look. A handy diagram showing you what kind of bomb shelter to build. I turned the pamphlet over. Nothing to indicate what group it came from.
    That got its own stack. I had seen a lot of “how to”
    stuff like this at gun shows. Y2K had come and gone, but many of these groups still prepared for an apocalypse and in this country, a lot of them were eying the Pacific Northwest as a place for an Aryan homeland. Which would be a major

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