Last Chance: A Second Chances Novel
before Evan walked around back.
    “Thanks for calling me back last night,” I hissed.
    Evan sighed and nodded his head. “I know you’re mad, but hear me out.”
    I scoffed. “Why should I? Out of all my friends, you’re the one who knows me best. You know I love Lara and that I’m sorry for being a jackass.” Jerking the refrigerator door open, I grabbed another beer. “After all this time, she still thinks I was fucking around on her, when in all honesty, I was just scared.” I opened my beer and sucked it back, laughing at how karma had finally bit me in the ass. He was the only person in the world besides Lara who I would’ve ever admitted that too. “Now I’m too late.”
    Evan cleared his throat and glanced at his watch. “Are you done whining yet?”
    “Fuck you, Townsend.”
    “Thanks for the offer, but I didn’t come here for that.”
    My jaw hurt from clenching it so tight. “Look, if you’re here to shoot the shit, I’m not in the mood. With your inability to call me last night, I think I got the hint.” Averting my gaze, I gulped down the rest of my beer. “So when’s the wedding?”
    “Not sure, but judging what I saw, I doubt there will be one.”
    I jerked my head in his direction. “What do you mean?”
    Evan approached me cautiously, concern etched across his face. “I’m sorry for not calling you last night, I had a lot on my mind. Mainly the fact I think you’re right. I don’t know how I didn’t see it before.”
    For the first time in months, I felt a sliver of hope. “Tell me everything.”
    Sighing, he looked off into the distance. “I watched her, like you asked. I don’t know, maybe I’ve seen it going on for a while now . . . but she’s not the same Lara I met a couple years ago. She doesn’t smile as much and when she does, it’s forced. I’ve tried to joke back and forth with her and she doesn’t reciprocate like she used to.”
    That was one of the things I loved about Lara. She had a mouth on her and could always put me in my place. She was stubborn, with a heart of gold. “What about last night? Did Grayson propose?” The thought of her saying yes made me goddamn furious, but if I still had a chance, I didn’t care if she was engaged or not.
    He nodded. “And when she said yes, I saw her face. It was sad, almost like she was numb. I don’t see how Grayson couldn’t pick up on it.”
    I scoffed. “He has what he wants, of course he’s not going to care. With me out of the way, he can do anything, especially with Summer backing him up.”
    “Which is why I’m going to help you,” he confided. “But you only have one shot. I’m already going to endure the wrath of my wife for this.”
    For the first time in months, I actually felt like I had a chance. “How are we going to do this?” I was ready to get started.
    Evan walked up and smiled. “Be ready tomorrow night. I have a plan. If it works, she’ll come right to you. The only problem is Grayson. He’ll never forgive me for interfering.” He placed a hand on my shoulder. “But your happiness is important to me. You’re my best friend. I’m just sorry I didn’t help you sooner.”
    “You’re helping now, that’s all that matters.” Tomorrow I’d have Lara back, and this past year would be nothing but a distant memory.

“A re you feeling better?” Grayson asked. His arms snaked around my waist and he kissed my neck. Artie glanced over at us and smiled before turning his back to give us privacy.
    “A little,” I lied, sprinkling parsley on a plate.
    All day, I’d tried my best to avoid Grayson, to keep from having to talk about wedding plans. The ring was on my finger, but I wasn’t ready to wear it. It felt like a lie. If he hadn’t proposed to me in front of all of our friends, I might have had the courage to say no. Now it was too late.
    “What about tonight, want me to come over? I figure we need to talk about our next step.”
    My heart ached for him and I hated myself

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