Last Chance: A Second Chances Novel
for letting things go as far as they did. I loved him more than life itself, but I wasn’t in love with him. I honestly didn’t know if I could spend the rest of my life without the raw passion I knew was possible.
    “Lara?” Evan called. He stuck his head inside the kitchen and noticed us in the corner. A look passed over his face, one I couldn’t decipher. I was just glad he saved me.
    Grayson stepped back and I moved to the side. “Hey, how was practice?”
    “Good,” he replied awkwardly. “I was wondering if you could help me out with something.”
    “Sure, what’s up?”
    “When are you headed home?”
    I glanced at the clock on the wall. “In about twenty minutes. Since everything’s slowing down, Josh and Victoria should be able to handle the floor. And Summer will be here.”
    He nodded. “Which is why I need to get home, so I can watch Emma-Grace. Do you think you’d be able to stop by the house on your way home? I picked up a few things for Summer’s birthday and I want your opinion. It won’t take long.”
    “Sure,” I replied excitedly. “I’ll be there shortly.”
    “Thanks.” He waved at Grayson and then hurried off.
    I turned to Grayson. “I can call you after we’re done. Does that sound good?”
    Gaze narrowed, he studied me. “You sure you’re okay? You’re acting a little distant.”
    “I’m fine. It’s just been a crazy couple of days.” I kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you later.” I hurried out of there, my heart breaking with each step. Why couldn’t I love him the way he should be loved? Grayson was a good-looking man, and he always put me before anything else. I was lucky to have a guy like that. Only, I wasn’t happy.

    When I got to Summer and Evan’s house, Evan met me by the door, a finger to his lips. “Emma-Grace is sleeping.”
    I knew the little princess would be out; she took after her aunt. “She has to get her beauty sleep.” I laughed. “So what all did you need me to look at?”
    He grabbed the baby monitor and nodded toward the back door. “Let’s go outside.”
    I followed him out the door to the back deck, expecting to see something spectacular, but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Holding out my arms, I turned to face him. “O-kay. Care to tell me what I’m supposed to be looking at?” He cleared his throat and sheepishly lowered his head. “Evan, what’s going on?”
    Sighing, he lifted his gaze. “I lied. I don’t need you to look at presents.”
    “Then what did you need me for?” I searched around for a clue.
    He held up his hands. “I just wanted to talk to you, away from Summer and Grayson.”
    “If this is about Luke, you’re wasting your time,” I snapped.
    “Do you really believe that? Because what I saw last night begs to differ. I saw your face when Grayson proposed. It wasn’t the look of a happy soon-to-be bride.”
    I shrugged. “Maybe I wasn’t feeling well,” I challenged.
    He snorted. “Tell that to someone who believes you. What gets me is, I never noticed before . . . you aren’t in love with him.”
    The second he said it, everything came crumbling down. If he noticed, there had to be others. Closing my eyes, I turned away from him, my heart feeling as if it’d been ripped out. “I want to be in love with him,” I whispered. “I wish for it every day.”
    “But your heart belongs to someone else. Look, I know Luke has made mistakes, but it’s been a year and he still hasn’t given up on you.”
    “Was this his idea?” I asked, glancing at him over my shoulder.
    He shook his head. “Mine. When I saw your reaction last night, I knew I had to do something. You’re miserable, and so is Luke. And to put it bluntly, it’s not fair to Grayson. You need to follow your heart and stop being afraid.”
    Tears fell down my cheeks and he pulled me into his arms. “I’m scared, Evan. What if I give Luke my heart again and it’s not enough? I can’t go through this again.”
    “I don’t

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