Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]

Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] by Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance Page B

Book: Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] by Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance
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don’t know if you mean it or
I’m a conquest for you, another warm body for you to fuck.”
    God, I really screwed up.
    “You’re not, Summer. None of those
girls…no one else means more to me than you. You have to believe me.”
    “Why can’t I believe you anymore, Drew?”
she cried, the tears flowing down her cheeks freely.
    My heart broke watching her cry, yet I
wasn’t sure if she wanted me to touch her. I wanted to wrap my arms around
her, to kiss away her tears. I wanted to take away all the pain I’ve caused
    “Summer, please don’t cry.”
    “I can’t help it,” she whimpered. “I
cared so much for you, but now…I can’t even trust you. I feel as though I’ve
lost another person I loved so much…Aunt Sookie, Nat, and you.”
    “Please Summer,” I wrapped my arms
around her, pulling her tight into my chest as I held her with my dear life.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done to hurt you. I don’t deserve
you, I know, but I can’t let you go. If I do, you might as well kill me.
Without you, I am just a fragment of myself. You make me whole, Summer. You
mean so much to me, you’ve got to believe me.”
    “Drew,” Summer said, wiping away her
tears. “I’m trying…”
    “Please Summer, at least let’s be
friends. At least let me into your life as a friend. I won’t push you into
    “I don’t…”
    “You let that guy sitting next to you be
a friend,” Drew said jealously. “You don’t even know him, yet he’s already
friendly with you, laughing about everything during class. I could hear you
from where I was sitting, and…Summer, if you think that guy just wants
friendship from you, you’d better think again.”
    “Drew!” I scolded. “Cooper’s not looking
for a relationship right now. He’s trying to get over his last one…the love of
his life, so in a way, he’s perfect for a friend,” I said.
    “Cooper?” Drew asked. “You call him by
his first name now?”
    “What name should I call him by? His
last name?”
    “No, it’s just…”
    “Okay, I’m jealous. I’m jealous of any
man or anyone getting close to you.”
    “You can’t be, Drew,” I said. “I have to
have other people in my life…I no longer belong to you.”
    Her words sliced through me like a
sword, and I felt myself almost stumbling back.
    Summer was mine. How could she say she
    My entire body aches with an
unquenchable desire when I’m near her. Just the sight of her, the smell of her,
brings out all those alpha male tendencies. Like a caveman, I wanted to possess
her, take her, parade her around as my woman.
    My finger traced the skin on her neck up
to her ear, and gently rubbed it. I felt her body shudder against mine. I love
touching her behind her ear. I love that little shudder she does when I’ve
found one of her erogenous zones.
    Did she say she no longer belong to me?
Maybe with her mind, but her body tells me otherwise. Yes, she still belongs to
    She stopped crying and just let me hold
her, rubbing her behind her ear, letting her lean into me. Her body temperature
had risen, and I can see her face flush.
    Oh, she was aroused. My male hunter’s
instinct tuned into that spicy but sweet scent I knew too well.
    “I…” I began.
    “Don’t talk,” Summer said, closing her
eyes and shushing me.
    I did what she commanded and continued
touching and massaging her. Perhaps if this was all she wanted from our
relationship for now, I could live with that. I could happily supply her with a
constant source of Drew loving.
    Maybe that’s all she wanted from me…my
    Again, I could live with that.
    “Why can’t I stop wanting your touch,
Drew?” Summer asked.
    “I could guess a million reasons why,
Summer,” I said, “but how about, it’s because you and I have incredible
chemistry. Try as much as we did to suppress it, it’s there.”
    “Yes,” Summer sighed. “It’s there.”
    “About this

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