Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05]

Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] by Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance

Book: Lasting Summer - [Loving Summer 05] by Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow, Kailin Romance
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fascinating than I had originally
thought. My focus was on him, but I saw Drew turn around after he was through
with his question, and he looked straight at me, his eyes glaring into mine. He
glanced over at Cooper next to me, and scowled.
    “Looks like Peacock isn’t too happy
about me sitting next to you,” Cooper joked.
    “He shouldn’t care,” I said. “After all
look at all the girls surrounding him,” I gulped. “Not that I’m using you to
make him jealous. That never even crossed my mind, and I’m no way into that
kind of game. It’s immature and childish, and I refuse to stoop to Drew’s
    Cooper laughed. “So that’s what’s going
on between you two. I kinda sensed you knew him from the way you were talking
about him and staring at his back.”
    “We, um, just broke up, more on my part,
    “Oh,” Cooper said. “That explains that
look he had on his face when he glared at me just now.”
    “I’m so sorry, Cooper,” I apologized.
“You must think I’m a real mess, but, I hate that you’re already brought into
our mixed up complicated relationship.”
    “No apologies needed, really,” Cooper
said. “I understand. I was in a relationship just like it not too long ago, and
believe me, it can mess you up bad if you don’t have friends to help you
through it.”
    “You too, huh?” I asked, looking up into
his earnest face. Who would break up with such a nice and gorgeous guy like
    Cooper took a deep breath and exhaled.
“I’m still trying to get over it.”
    “How long ago?” I asked.
    “A few months ago,” he said. “Our
relationship got so complicated, circumstances got in the way, and now…” he
sighed, “I’m afraid I walked out on the best thing that could have happened to
    “I’m sorry to hear that,” I said
reaching out to hold his hand. “If it makes it any better, I feel the same
    “Thanks, Summer,” he said wistfully.
    My breath stopped, and my heart skipped
a beat. For a moment, when he said “Summer”, I thought I heard Nat’s voice.
    I shook my head. It couldn’t be Nat, and
he was nowhere near me. Maybe it was because I was wishing so badly last night
to see him again at Drew’s place. Maybe it was because I dreamt about kissing
him and nearly making love with him last night. My dream seemed so real, I felt
as though I did see, feel, and touched Nat.
    “Hey, are you alright?” Cooper asked.
“You kinda spaced out just now.”
    I shook my head again. “I’m fine. I
thought for a moment, I heard the voice of a dear friend of mine.”
    “Oh,” Cooper said, “Must be someone
really special.”
    “He is!” I beamed. “No one can take his
place in my heart.”
    Cooper smiled. “I bet he would be happy
to hear you say that to him.”
    “I tried, but it’s complicated.”
    “The story of my life, too,” Cooper
    “So, Cooper,” I grinned, feeling like
I’ve met someone who understood what I was going through. “I think you and I
being here was meant to be. If you ever need to talk to someone, you can call
me.” I handed him my number.
    “I will,” Cooper said. “Thank you. And
of course, you can do the same with me.”
    “Alright!” I giggled. It was loud enough
to carry to the front row, and Drew’s head turned around so quickly, I was
afraid he would have whiplash.
    “Oh, looks like Peacock heard you,”
Cooper nudged me. “If you do need to put him in his place, serve him his own
medicine, I’ll be happy to help.”
    “You don’t have to, and that’s not what
I want to do,” I said.
    “I just don’t like him flaunting all
that in your face, especially since you said you just broke up. Any guy should
have the decency to respect the relationship you once had by at least keeping
all of that flirting to himself.”
    “Sounds like Drew has a thing or two to
learn from you,” I said.
    Cooper narrowed his eyes at Drew,
clenching down on his jaw. “Just because he’s now wearing an

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