Lessons in Love (Flirt)

Lessons in Love (Flirt) by A. Destiny, Catherine Hapka Page A

Book: Lessons in Love (Flirt) by A. Destiny, Catherine Hapka Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Destiny, Catherine Hapka
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pictured Logan—his adorably crooked smile, his blue eyes, those broad shoulders under his MIT T-shirt . . . Hmm. The MIT shirt reminded me of his science-genius family. Come to think of it, maybe we did have something in common after all.
    Hearing a shout of laughter from across the weight room, I opened my eyes and saw Matt and Darius goofing off over there. They were both popular, good-looking guys, and neither of them had seemed weirded out by the idea of me going out with someone like Logan. Neither had Zoe.
    So what was the worst that could happen if I gave it a shot? If I decided to follow my heart instead of my head for once, just to see where things might go?
    It wasn’t such a crazy idea, was it? I mean, even the best scientists had to make a leap of faith once in a while. Otherwise, maybe Darwin never would have come up with his theory of evolution. Alexander Fleming might never have taken a closer look at that mold that became penicillin.
    Okay, not that this was the same thing. At all. But maybe that was how I could think of it: as a science experiment.
    Like Simone said, what did I have to lose?

    H ow’s my hair?” I asked Simone as the two of us headed down the narrow, windowless hallway leading to the science wing. “I hate having gym so early in the day.”
    She glanced up from her notes, which she was shuffling through frantically as she walked. “Huh? Oh, it’s fine. You look gorgeous.”
    “Thanks.” I was actually kind of glad she was so distracted. I was nervous enough about seeing Logan again without Simone giving me flirting advice or trying to put more makeup on me.
    When we stepped into Mr. Ba’s classroom, more than half the class was there already. Most of them were at their desks, looking pale and anxious as they paged through notes and textbooks, muttering about RNA and nucleotides and stuff.
    Simone rushed over to say hi to Taylor and Megan, who were in their seats over near the windows. Taylor had wrapped a strand of blond hair around her pinky finger and was tugging on it, like she always did when she was nervous. Megan looked even paler than usual, and I was pretty sure she was doing a yoga move in her chair to calm herself down.
    I lingered just inside the doorway, looking for Logan without quite admitting to myself I was doing it. Mr. Ba’s classroom was actually two rooms in one. The front half followed the typical layout with rows of desks. Behind that was the lab, which held a dozen big worktables and all kinds of other equipment. Tall sliding doors could be pulled shut to separate the two areas when necessary (like during dissection weeks, when the smell back there could get a little too strong).
    Today the sliding doors were wide open, and there was no sign of Logan in either half of the classroom. What if he’d made a mistake—what if he wasn’t in this bio section after all? Maybe he’d changed his schedule since I’d talked to him last, or—
    “Bailey! Hey,” a voice said directly behind me.
    I spun around. “L-Logan!” I blurted out.
    “Sorry.” He smiled. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
    “You didn’t. I mean, you did. But it’s okay. I mean . . .” I forced myself to pause and take a deep breath. So far this wasn’t going quite how I’d pictured it. “How was English class?”
    “Okay. We’re reading Of Mice and Men , which I did last year.” He stepped aside to let a couple of students hurry into the classroom. “I’m a little more worried about this class, actually. I think it might be more advanced than I realized when I signed up.”
    “It’s not so bad.” I shrugged. “I mean, yeah, Mr. Ba can be pretty intense sometimes. But hey, you live with two super-successful scientists, right? Should be a piece of cake for you.”
    He hesitated, scanning the room. “I don’t know. I just—”
    “What’s going on here?” Mr. Ba’s lightly accented voice interrupted him. “You’re not thinking of making a run for it before

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