You're Strong Enough

You're Strong Enough by Kassi Pontious

Book: You're Strong Enough by Kassi Pontious Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kassi Pontious
Tags: Religión
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and weaknesses is just the tip of the iceberg on finding inner strength. Though the strengths will aid us in doing well on our quest, what happens when we fall because of our weaknesses? Who can pick us up? Who’s going to heal us when we get wounded? And who can help us fight the dragon? The one who can help us when we fall, when we get wounded, and when we need to destroy the dragon is the one who went before us. It is the one who finished His quest perfectly, so that we didn’t have to. His name is Jesus Christ, our Savior.
    Jesus Christ has many names. One is the Savior of the World. Another is the Healer, the Peacemaker, and the Sacrificial Lamb. Jesus Christ gets these names because of the quest that He had to finish. His ultimate and all-powerful quest was to die for the sins of the world and to be resurrected. As we mentioned before, resurrection is a free gift to all those who passed their first quest in the Preexistence. When He died for the sins of the world, Jesus did so for those who would seek His forgiveness, healing power, and comfort in this dreary world. As a result, we can draw inner strength knowing we can be healed when we get hurt and forgiven when we have fallen. The combination of His sacrifice and resurrection is called the atonement.
    Christ’s Atonement
    The atonement has three major purposes. The first purpose is to be forgiven for sin. (A sin is an act contrary to God’s commandments that was done on purpose.) Jesus Christ suffered in Gethsemane for every human sin that could ever be done on this Earth. In Luke 22: 41 we read, “…Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done…” Though this suffering caused Him and the heavens to tremble because of pain, He still did the will of the Father, for us.
    Jesus Christ suffered for the sins of the world so that, if we repent, we can be forgiven. When Jesus Christ suffered in Gethsemane, He felt every sin that would ever be conceived here on Earth so that, no matter what we do wrong, we can be forgiven. He did this so that, if we fall off our path—whether how small (a lie) or large (stealing)—we can be forgiven, picked up and put back on our path. No quest is over here on Earth, no matter how many times we fall, because of the atonement.
    Christ suffered so that we did not have to lose our reward as heirs in the Kingdom of God if we messed up. Therefore, if you have sinned, no matter how great, and you repent, you have the opportunity of having it wiped away through the Savior’s atonement. For example: Let’s say, while trekking on your path, you find yourself in a bad mood and hungry. As you walk along, you come across another napping under a tree. As you look closer, you notice they left their food out in the open, so you help yourself. Later that day, you start to feel bad because you just stole someone else’s food. You repent and ask God to truly forgive you. As God sees you are truly sorry, He forgives you and wipes that sin clean.
    The second purpose of the atonement is to make up the difference between our mistakes (things done unintentionally) and God’s perfection. In other words, the atonement makes up for the gap between God’s perfection and our imperfections. In order to receive and be like our Heavenly Father, we must complete our task of defeating the dragon, following Christ’s example and finishing our quest.
    The only way to do this is to have Jesus Christ bridge the gap between the impossible task of doing everything perfectly and doing everything using our best efforts. For example: During your quest you come across a bridge full of planks that you must cross. You think to yourself, No big deal , so you proceed to cross. As you cross this unstable bridge, you find there are ten missing planks in front of you. What do you do? You can’t go back because this is the only way home. So you pray for help. Because of the atonement, those ten planks are filled and

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