You're Strong Enough

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Book: You're Strong Enough by Kassi Pontious Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kassi Pontious
Tags: Religión
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God are there to help you with your life and this quest. Make sure you act on the answers you receive.
    Trust God’s Opinion
    One of Satan’s greatest traps and deepest pitfalls is to convince us that God does not love us if He doesn’t answer our prayers immediately.
    Watch out for Satan’s Fiery Darts of Lies!

    Our Heavenly Father does not answer prayers immediately for two reasons. First, if the thing we asked for is not good for us and we are asking God to approve it, He will not answer us. For example, if we are asking our Heavenly Father if we should go to our friend’s party and our Heavenly Father knows at the party there’s a group of kids putting date rape drugs in the drinks, He will not approve your request.
    Our Heavenly Father is there to help us in achieving our quest, not to make it more difficult. He will never agree or confirm any answer that is not in your best interest. Therefore, it’s important we trust our Heavenly Father’s opinion. If He is not answering us or it feels wrong, trust Him for He knows everything and everyone. He will never lead us down dark alleys, only lighted streets.
    The second reason our Heavenly Father will not answer prayers immediately is if it’s not the right time. For example: We may feel we are ready to experience the world on our own and go on a trip to Europe. So we ask our Heavenly Father’s opinion. Should we go? No response comes. What does that mean? Does it mean He doesn’t want us to go? Not necessarily, it could just mean you’re not ready. He may feel there’s more for you to do in America and with your family before you go to Europe.
    Timing is everything with our Heavenly Father. Let’s say you are doing pretty well on your quest, and, as you are walking down this path, you come to a stream. As you near the stream, you see a boat. So you ask our Heavenly Father if you should cross the stream. And He doesn’t answer. Now you’re frustrated because you just want to get to the other side. So, you ask again. Still you get no answer. So you ask the third time and still no answer. Finally, you’re tired of waiting. So, you get into the boat. As you are ready to push off from the shore, all of a sudden, a huge flash flood goes over the stream. Luckily, you were able to jump back onto dry land and be safe. Your Heavenly Father knew the flash flood was coming, so He didn’t answer your prayer immediately. Once the flood was over, He then gave you the feeling to go ahead and go to the other side of the stream.
    Prayers are answered when He feels the time is right and when He feels that what you’re asking is good for you. Our Heavenly Father loves you very much and wants the best for you. So, trust Him when your answers don’t come immediately. When Heavenly Father does answer your prayers, let Him guide you. The path He will take you on will be one of safety and peace. It will, ultimately, fulfill a successful quest.
    Each one of us can achieve anything we want when we seek our Heavenly Father’s guidance and counsel. Our Heavenly Father is the only one that can see through the darkness on our life’s path. Counsel with Him. Ask His opinion. Most importantly, seek His guidance when you feel lost.
    My Quest for Inner Strength
    When I was thirteen years old and playing tennis in California, my mom moved down to be with me. The pressure she placed on me to succeed was overwhelming. It created a lot of tension between us. When my coach saw the pressure my mom was putting it on me, he said something to her. As a result, he was fired. Changing coaches and feeling the pressure of having to be a perfect tennis player dampened my desire to play well anymore. One day, when I was playing a couple of matches with this new coach and with my mom watching, I felt no desire to be there playing tennis. So, I lost every match.
    After I was done playing, my mom and I got into the car to go home. Before starting the car, she turned to look at me, gave me a disgusted look

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