Lies That Bind
of his own. “Do I really need to state the obvious?”
    “You should.”
    His eyebrow quirked with his lips. “Please allow me some semblance of dignity. Although, the fact you didn’t correct my presumptions should be considered a spanking offense.”
    She cocked her head to one side and peeled away from his body. “So should the evil glare of death you shot my way. How was I to know it wasn’t directed at me?”
    Grinning, Rex swept his gaze down her body, setting off more shivers Tessa struggled to hide. “Then I guess that makes us even.”
    “Does it?” Tessa dropped her gaze to his crotch and the erection stretching the confines of his worn jeans. She could draw him closer, fish his cock out for her pleasure, and give him the blowjob of his life. Remind this cowboy who was really in charge. She stepped forward, coming within inches of slithering against his long body.
    Another sigh. “Yeah, there’ve been others since you left. But it was a hollow release.”
    Soft, sad words that held despair with every syllable. Something Tessa knew all too well.
    “I know,” she whispered. “So what do we do about it?” A stupidly obvious question.
    “You know damn well how this is going to play out, sweet cheeks.”
    Fire flared in his eyes, sending another jolt through Tessa. She barely held her ground. Subtle pressure against her back closed the distance between them. Rex was hard and hot against her, setting her afire…melting her, as crazy as that sounded.
    “I do,” she managed to say.
    “As great as this foreplay is, there’s still the issue of us needing to vent,” he said. “Bottles and cans at ten paces? The guests and hands are away. The corral is ours and all the privacy that goes with it.”
    Tessa managed a small laugh and patted his solid chest. “Be forewarned. I’m a little rusty with a whip right now. I might need you to show me all over again.” That fire in his eyes doubled. She was playing with dynamite and loving every second.
    His smile was slow in forming, as was the gleam in his eyes when he leaned her way. “My pleasure.”
    She skimmed her hand over his hard chest, loving how his nipple thrust into her palm. “We could always skip the foreplay and move right to the main event.”
    Rex cupped her ass and yanked her close. “Pleasure is meant to be savored.”
    Tessa swore her knees buckled. “Then by all means…let’s go.”
    He gave her butt a squeeze, then released her and strode forward to open the door. “Coming?”
    His smirk layered the word with not so subtle innuendo. That was fine. She could give as good as she got. And she’d missed the giving as much as the receiving.
    “In due time.” She flashed a smirk of her own. “Providing you’re up to it.”
    One hand braced on the doorknob, he shot a glance at the bulge in his jeans. “Sweetheart, I’ve been up to it since you stepped off the plane.”
    Tessa rubbed her chin. “From the glower on your face at the time… Well, can’t judge a book by its cover.”
    “I might be agreeable to letting you riffle through the pages. Hell…I’ll even let you read a chapter or two.”
    She couldn’t help but laugh. Tessa loved the play of words. “I wouldn’t mind a peek. Just to see what I’m getting into.”
    Slow steps brought him her way. “Don’t you mean what’s getting into you?”
    He swatted her backside, then walked through the door, leaving Tessa wanting so much more…and fighting the urge to drag him back over the threshold.

Chapter Five
    Nate wasn’t her boyfriend. Not that that would have stopped Rex in the long run.
    The hell it wouldn’t.
    Rex braced his hands on the side of the scorching hot Suburban. Yeah, he wouldn’t have liked it, but what choice would he have had? It was her property, their livelihood. He would have sucked hind tit to keep their investment intact. That spawned an image he could live without.
    “Fuck.” He scrubbed his palms over his face, trying to wipe away the

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