
Lightbringer by K.D. McEntire

Book: Lightbringer by K.D. McEntire Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.D. McEntire
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real that anyone could be dead so long or have survived the Never like that.”
    “James,” Lily said, “for all I love him, is a braggart and a fool. I made pottery with my mother, yes, but I lived in a pithouse.” Her brows furrowed and she inched closer, eyes intently searching his face. “Can you really not remember all the times we have talked about this before? Do you honestly not remember when we met in the Sandia foothills? The reds and orange that stretched to the sky? The mottled earth, the edges of the long grass-swept plains? None of it?”
    This was utter nonsense. Piotr couldn't remember the days after his own death with such vivid detail, much less hers, so Lily was clearly teasing him. There was no test; they were having fun at his expense. Spending long hours discussing their lives was certainly something he'd remember with a girl as ancient and storied as Lily.
    “Net. My apologies.” Smiling now, calm at the realization that they must have decided to play some sort of joke on him, Piotr shook his head and let her continue on, enjoying the cadence of her smooth alto as she braided the joke into an elaborate tale. It was all fanciful nonsense but he had to hand it to her, she sure knew how to tell a story.
    “Quit botherin' him, Lily,” Elle finally grumbled. She smiled sharply and poked him in the ribs. “I think it's pretty clear that Petey never remembers anything, do ya Pete?”
    “I was lost and wandering,” Lily repeated, ignoring Elle and grasping at him, intent on keeping up the charade, “I could not find my way home. The floods had come, the antelope too, and my tribe had moved on, leaving only refuse behind.”
    Lily's fingers pressed tightly into Piotr's, blunt nails digging into his flesh. “Remember, Piotr? You took me by the hand and led me to safety. You taught me the ways of the Never—how to avoid the Walkers, how to find and gather the Lost, not only for their protection but for our own. How to keep them safe. You taught me all this, Piotr. You!” Her voice broke. “You truly don't recall?”
    Elle snickered, unable to keep a straight face, and Piotr realized his patience was at an end for their foolishness.
    “Lily,” Piotr said, taking care to keep each word gentle but firm, “this joke's gotten old.” He squeezed her fingers. “We've got more important tasks than trying to fool with me, da?” He took a deep breath and glanced at Elle. “Ganging up on me isn't funny. I'll be the long-distance scout and keep an eye out for both the Lightbringer and Walkers. Enough said.”
    “Atta-boy!” Elle agreed fervently, slapping her hands together. “Lily, we oughta quit beating our gums here. He ain't gonna buy our bull. Just give him the job already so we can move on to more important matters.” She cleared her throat. “His noggin hasn't gone soft on us recently, anyhow. Maybe he's sorted himself out, yeah?”
    Lily drew her hand away, took a deep breath, and nodded once. “Yes. This…jest was ill-timed, Piotr.” She glanced past him to Elle and bit her lip, gnawing anxiously for a moment. Then, slowly, she whispered, “My apologies. I should have known better.”
    “Nezachto,” he said, quick to smooth the tension away. “No worries.” Outside, the dark was fading, coloring the sky dark purple. Soon the children would be up; they had to hurry. “Now, about the Lightbringer. We need to figure out a plan.”
    It took them some time to hammer out the details, but what they decided on was simple. Elle would remain with the Lost, guarding the bookstore and sending out runners to other parts of the city to spread news of the Lightbringer, inviting the other Riders to circle the wagons for safety. Lily would return to San Jose, collect her remaining charges, and then join Elle at the bookstore. Once they knew which Riders would stand with them, then they would decide what could be done about the new threat.
    Piotr prepared to scout.
    “Dunn liked to wander near his

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