Lily's List
writing career and
the list had been a stroke of luck. It had given him a way to
approach Lily that she would understand and hopefully accept. Once
he had her, he was going to find a way to keep her.
    They both finished eating and pushed their
plates away. “That was wonderful,” Lily sighed as she leaned back
in her chair. “I haven’t cooked much since Ethan left. I mostly
have a sandwich or something quick. This is quite a treat.”
    “My pleasure.” If he had it his way, Lily
wouldn’t have to worry about eating alone again anytime soon.
    Rising from the table, he took her plate and
his and carried them to the counter. On his way back, he detoured
by the refrigerator and removed only the can of whipped cream. He
set the can on the table between them, right next to the vase of
    “Now we talk.”

Chapter Five
    All during the meal, Lily’s thoughts had been
drawn to the whipped cream waiting in the refrigerator and the
roses sitting on the table. Her body had all but melted when he’d
produced both items from his grocery bags. Her panties were damp
and her body so sensitized that every single thing felt like
sensory overload. A simple meal of chicken and potato salad had
never tasted so good. The fragrant perfume from the roses had never
smelled so rich and exotic. Her hearing and vision seemed sharper.
She was very aware of the man seated across from her.
    Now the time had come to talk. The meal was
done and decisions had to be made.
    Carson set the can of whipped cream on the
table next to the roses. His intentions were clear, but she knew it
was her choice to make.
    She licked her lips and tried to order her
scattered thoughts. “I . . .” she began, breaking off
when she didn’t quite know what to say. She shook her head and
managed to get a grip on her nerves. “I want to explore things with
you.” She couldn’t believe she was going to do this. Three days ago
she couldn’t have imagined having to make such a decision. It all
seemed slightly surreal.
    “The list?” Carson placed his hands on the
table and leaned forward, his gaze narrowed, expression intent.
    She nodded decisively. “The list. I’m not
quite sure how far I want to take things. Not yet.” God, could she
sound any more juvenile? It was hard to think with Carson hovering
over her.
    “I’ve told you before, Lily.” He shifted
closer, so close that their noses were almost touching. She could
see his incredible pale blue eyes fringed with thick brown lashes.
His nostrils flared, his lips parted. “Whatever you want, however
you want it. It’s all up to you.”
    Her throat felt dry and parched, but she
couldn’t even try to swallow. His words mesmerized her even as his
gaze held her pinned in her chair. This situation was crazy, but
she didn’t care.
    “Let’s go to your bedroom.” His lips brushed
    Her heart was pounding and her palms sweaty,
but she was determined. She wanted this, wanted to explore
different aspects of her sexuality. And she wanted to do it with
Carson. They were both consenting adults. There was nothing wrong
with what they were about to do. Still, her nerves fluttered and
her pulse raced.
    Pushing away from the table, she stood and
gathered her vase of roses. Then she held out her hand. Carson
plucked the can of whipped cream off the table with his free hand
as he wrapped his fingers around hers. His hand was strong and warm
and he twined his fingers through hers so that their palms were
touching. Lily had forgotten how lovely it could be to hold hands
with a man. It was intimate and quiet as she led him up the stairs
of her small home.
    She was extra glad she’d taken the time to
change the sheets and put fresh candles in the pretty glass holders
on her dresser. She hadn’t been sure what would happen tonight—if
anything—but it seemed better to be prepared for any
    The room felt inviting and cozy. Lily went
straight to the nightstand by her bed and placed

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