Listen To Me Honey
    “Where do you live?”
    Willa said, “Not far from y'all. In
fact, in walking distance. Yer grandpa can show ya on the way home
if you ask him.”

Chapter Seven
    As they bounced toward home, Amanda
asked where Willa Scott lived. Tansy said not far from them. She
showed Amanda Bill and June Scott's house as they drove
    “Would you mind if I went to visit Willa sometime? She
asked me.”
    “About time ya had someone yer own age to visit. Call her
when you're ready, and see if that's a good time for Willa's mama.
The girl can come visit ya any time she wants just so ya know.”
Tansy said.
    “Thanks, Grandma.”
    “I'll be glad to take ya when ya want to go,” Grandpa
need since they live so close. Did my dad have a bike?” Amanda
    “Sure enough he did. It's hangin' on the tool shed wall.
Want to use it?” Art asked.
like that,” Amanda said.
    As soon as they got home while
Tansy started dinner, Art took Amanda to the tool shed. He lifted a
blue bike off the holders on the wall and set it on the
    “This bicycle sure cleanin'. I expect the tires are about
flat. I'll air them up, and ya can give it a try,” Art
    Amanda looked the bike over and
complained, “It don't have any speeds on it.”
    “Sure this bicycle has speeds just like any bicycle. It's
all man powered. Ya pedal fast, and the bicycle's speed is fast. Ya
pedal slow, and the bicycle goes slow,” Art explained.
    Amanda wasn't sure if Art was
teasing. “If the bicycle doesn't work, the walk to Willa's house
will do me good.”
    That afternoon, Amanda and her
grandparents sat on the front porch.
    Amanda sized up the dog, lying at
her grandpa's feet. “Is Jubel ever going to like me?”
    The dog brought his head up at the
mention of his name. He looked at Amanda with his head
I reckon he will sooner or later,” Art drawled.
    “What kind of dog is he?”
    “Jubel resembles a lab, but no one knows his family tree.
Someone just dropped him off here,” Art explained.
    Jubel slanted his head toward
    Tansy said, “Amanda, that mutt
showed up one day and became yer grandpa’s shadow. He's been a
freeloader ever since.”
    Art bristled in defence of Jubel.
“Careful what ya say, Tansy. Y'all are fixin' to hurt Jubel's
feelings. He's right smart.”
    Tansy declared, “That dog a
    Art defended, “Jubel's my loyal
companion. I sure do appreciate his company.”
    Tansy snorted. “Amanda, does it
sound to y'all like yer grandpa lives here all alone with no one
but that dog to talk to?”
    Amanda shrugged. She knew better
than to get in the middle of this heated discussion.
    As if Jubel knew what Art said, he
stood and put his head in Art's lap as a thank you.
know ever word I tell ya. Weell, try this on fer size. Dog, y'all
see that girl over there on the edge of the porch. She's aching to
be friends with ya. About time ya quit being so snooty and let her
pat ya.”
    Jubel cocked his head and
don't want no complaining from ya. Just go over there and make up
to Mandie before I get mad at ya,” Art said, wiggling his finger at
Amanda. “Come on now.” Art got up and walked over beside Amanda.
Jubel followed behind him and peered out around his legs at the
girl. “That won't do, Jubel. Get in front of me and introduce
    Jubel walked in front of
    Art pointed at the porch floor.
    The dog sat, perked his ears and
waited for the next command.
    “Now, Mandie, reach yer hand out and put it on top of his
head. Talk nice and quiet to him while ya do it so he hears the
sound of yer voice.”
Jubel. Nice to meet you,” Amanda said as she rubbed his
    Jubel let out a groaning
    Amanda removed her hand and looked
fearfully at Art. “Is Jubel mad at me?”
    “Jubel, me and ya are goin' behind the barn and have words
if ya don't do better than that,” Art said sharply.
    Jubel stretched to

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