Long, Lonely Nights

Long, Lonely Nights by Marla Monroe Page B

Book: Long, Lonely Nights by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Erótica, Romance, Adult, Siren Classic
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ought to be ready by now.” Riley nudged Logan. “You need a platter to take that up?”
    “You turn them one more time while I go find one,” Riley said.
    “Tina, you go with him and take the beans out of the oven. I bet they are ready by now.” Jenna grinned at her.
    Tina wasn’t sure what her friend was up to, but she was definitely up to something. She narrowed her eyes at her. Jenna widened her eyes and smiled as if she didn’t understand what Tina was trying to tell her. She drew in a deep breath and turned to follow Logan into the house. She would strangle Jenna first chance she got.
    “Kitchen is this way.” Logan led her into a spacious kitchen done in bright yellows and warm earth tones. Granite lined the counter, and oak cabinets complimented the stone floor. She liked it.
    Tina went straight for the oven and her only reason for being inside with Logan. She took the potholders off the counter next to the stove and started to open the stove. Logan got there before she did.
    “I’ll get it. You might burn yourself. The platter is in that cabinet over there.” He pointed at one across the kitchen.
    “Fine. I’ll get the platter.” Tina rolled her eyes and crossed the kitchen.
    She opened the door expecting to find a mess. Instead, the cabinet was neat. It surprised her. Most men were slobs when it came to housework. Maybe men who’d been in the army were different. They had to be so neat when they were in that it might bleed over into their home life. It was a pleasant surprise. Why do I care anyway? It’s not like I’m marrying the guy.
    “What about dishes?” she asked.
    He set the chicken on the stove and pulled out plates, stacking them on her platter. Then he opened a drawer and extracted silverware and steak knives. He added them to her stack.
    “Be careful of the knives. Don’t cut yourself,” he said.
    “You know, I’m not a child. I can carry this without dropping it or cutting myself.” She huffed out a breath and left him standing in the kitchen.
    When she walked outside, she caught Jenna and Riley with their heads close together discussing something of intense interest evidently. They broke apart when she walked outside, and Jenna had a guilty look on her face. What had been going on? She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like it whatever it was.
    Riley hurried over and took the plates off her hands. Jenna took the silverware off the top of the plates. They set the table while she waited on Logan to take the food off the grill. He had put the baked beans on the table. She held the platter for him to put the steaks and chicken on.
    “Get us some beers, Riley. Food is on.”
    “Got’em.” Riley held them up for Logan to see. “You girls want beer or what you brought?”
    Logan took the platter from Tina’s hands so she walked over to the cooler and pulled out a wine cooler. She held hers up.
    “Jenna? Need another one?”
    “Nope. I’m fine for now,” she said.
    “Let’s eat everyone.” Riley put a hand on the small of Jenna’s back and guided her over to the table.
    “Tina, you ready?” Logan asked her.
    She nodded and after Jenna and Riley chose seats next to each other, she realized she would be left sharing one side of the table with Logan. Resigned, she took her seat and opened her wine cooler. Logan sat next to her. There was barely enough room for the two of them. She wasn’t small, but Riley and Logan were both big men. She and Jenna were hard pressed to stay on the seats. Jenna grinned at her as if she knew what Tina was thinking.
    “Here you go.” Logan passed the platter with the meat so they could take their chicken off the top.
    “Pass the beans, Riley,” Logan said.
    They each filled their plates and started eating. Once they were finished, Tina and Jenna both got up to clear the dishes. Riley reacted first and grabbed the dishes from Jenna’s hands, growling at her. She cringed and ducked her head while throwing her arms over it. Tina

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