Long, Lonely Nights
worry. I’ve sworn off of men temporarily. I need some time to come to terms with my choices.’ Jenna turned up her wine cooler.
    Tina smiled and closed her eyes again.
    “Uh oh,” Jenna said.
    Tina’s eyes popped open. “What?”
    “Don’t look now, but they are walking this way.

    * * * *

    “Who is that?” Riley nodded towards Tina’s house.
    “Hell, I don’t know. One of her friends, I guess.” He hadn’t even noticed she had company, since he was making it a point to ignore that she lived next door to him.
    “Good looking woman. Let’s invite them over to eat.”
    “No. Not no. Hell no! Besides, we don’t have enough for them. Leave them alone, Riley.” But Riley was already walking towards the fence that divided their yards. He cursed and followed his soon-to-be-deceased buddy.
    They reached the fence and Riley leaned against it with his hands.
    “Hey ladies. How about joining us for a cook out?” Riley said.
    “Hey, that is really nice of you to ask. Sure,” Jenna said standing up.
    “Jenna.” Tina hissed through clenched teeth. “We are cooking here.”
    “So, we can share what we have.” She looked over at Riley and Logan. “I’m sure they will share what they have.”
    “We sure will. Especially if it means some pretty company like you.” Riley smiled.
    Logan was going to kill him. He didn’t have any business getting chummy with either of the women. Riley wouldn’t be staying around long, and those two were way out of their class.
    Aw, hell. Nothing he could do now but live with it. He wondered how Tina felt about the situation. He risked a glance her way and winced. She was obviously not happy by the look on her face. She was shooting lightning bolts at her friend.
    “Well now, I’m Riley. Old friend of Logan here.” Riley poured it on thick as far as Logan was concerned.
    Riley was in flirt mode, and that didn’t bode well for the afternoon. He was going to have to watch his friend. The flirt would have Tina’s friend eating out of his hand. Tina, too, if he let him. Logan sighed and resigned himself to dealing with the three of them the rest of the day.
    “I’m Jenna. Nice to meet you.” She jumped down from the deck and walked over to shake his hand.
    He got a good look at Jenna. She was Riley’s style if it weren’t for the fact that she was Tina’s friend. Long blond hair that was either natural or she kept her roots colored, lay straight down her back. She wasn’t quite as curvy as Tina, but she wasn’t a beanpole either. He figured her to be a couple of inches taller than Tina so maybe five-five or five-six. Bright sky blue eyes smiled at Riley from where she stood with her hand still in his. Time to break those two up.
    “Might as well come on around. I’ll find something else to throw on the grill,” he groused.
    “Oh, we have our own. Got BBQ chicken in the oven and baked beans.” Jenna smiled. “Oh, and potato salad, too.”
    “I’ll come help you bring it over,” Riley said and vaulted over the fence.
    “Show off,” Logan said under his breath.
    “Come on, Tina. Let’s pack up our stuff.”
    Tina closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Logan wanted to laugh at her obvious exasperation with her friend, but he wasn’t in any better disposition with Riley at the moment. They were both stuck.
    Logan walked back to the grill and checked the coals. They looked ready. Might as well throw the steaks on, he said to himself. It looked as if they were having company whether he liked it or not. Riley and the women disappeared inside her house. A few minutes later, the three of them returned with two pans, a bowl, and a cooler. Probably full of those wine coolers they were drinking on the deck.
    “Hey, Logan. We’re going to put the baked beans in your oven.” Riley nodded towards the house. “How about putting the chicken on the grill for a few minutes to give it a good taste?”
    “Yeah, sure. Bring it over.”
    Jenna handed the chicken over to

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