Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy)

Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Page B

Book: Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toby Neighbors
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
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There were braziers filled with red hot coals to keep the tent warm at night, and lamps hung from the tent’s poles.
    “This is nice,” Lorik said as he approached.
    Stone was waiting for him outside the tent. It was late afternoon and the tent flaps were all down to keep the heat inside.
    “It is,” Stone said. “What took you so long to get back? Vera was starting to worry about you.”
    “I just took my time, that’s all.”
    “You should have taken a horse.”
    “I would have if it had been necessary,” Lorik said. “But it wasn’t. I knew there would be a hundred things needing my attention when I got here, so I took my time and enjoyed a little solitude.”
    Stone nodded and held open the tent flap.
    “Have fun,” he said.
    “Aren’t you coming?”
    “Not unless your life is in danger. I’m not big on committees.”
    “Great,” Lorik said. “Some partner you are.”
    He went inside and found several people mingling in small groups. Vera and Trinad were the first to approach Lorik, who noticed that Issalyn and her shieldmaidens were present.
    “It’s good to have you back, my lord,” said Trinad.
    “What have I told you about calling me lord,” Lorik said a little more angrily than he meant to.
    “Manners Lorik,” Vera scolded. “You know Trinad is only showing you respect.”
    “Yes, of course,” Lorik said. “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t be, my lord. I have a purpose for everything I do.”
    “Is this him?” came a nasally voice from across the room. “Is this Lorik?”
    “Yes, it is, Lord Emry,” said Trinad.
    A group of men approached Lorik. They were all dressed in silks and formal armor. The man at the front was a short, pudgy man, with a thick mustache and a balding pate. His eyes were watery and his face was red from too much wine. He was holding a silver goblet in his hands and he looked angry.
    “This is Lord Lorik, King of the Drery Dru,” Trinad said, ignoring the astonished look from Lorik.
    “Well, it’s good to finally meet you, Lorik,” Emry said the name as if it tasted foul in his mouth. “I understand you’re from the Marshlands?”
    “I am,” Lorik said. “And where do you hail from, my lord?”
    “I am the Duke of Emryton, now that my father is dead," the short man said.  "I have been told that you are in charge of this camp."
    Lorik nodded.
    "Well, as things stand at this moment, I believe that I should be in charge.  The camp is on my family's land."
    "I do not dispute you," Lorik said calmly.  "I am unfamiliar with the nobles here in the north.  I was under the impression that the king called all his nobles to war in the south."
    "So true, so true," Emry said.  "But I was ill and not able to make the trip.  My father went, of course, along with my older brother.  I have it on good authority that both are dead now."
    "If they were with King Oveer that may very well be true," Lorik said.
    "So, as I see you are a man of war, I would be honored if you would lead my soldiers, but I must have complete command here.  I will of course see to Queen Issalyn's safety."
    "Lord Lorik has been in charge of the camp," Vera said, speaking in a voice that barely concealed her anger.  "I see no reason to change that now."
    "I would not expect you too," Emry said arrogantly.  "Politics are the realm of men. There are many changes coming in Ortis.  A new king will be crowned."
    "Lord Emry," Trinad said calmly, "we will honor your family, of course, but there is so much work to be done here.  Women and children that need constant care.  And of course, we are under threat."
    "All the more reason to have an experienced lord overseeing the camp.  If we are threatened, a noble commander will strike fear into the heart of our enemies."
    Queen Issalyn laughed out loud.  Emry’s face turned even redder than it had been before.  Everyone turned to the queen and waited for her to explain herself.
    "Gunther, that is your given name, isn't it?" Issalyn said to Lord

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