Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy)

Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors

Book: Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toby Neighbors
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
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much since the Drery Dru had healed him with their magic.
    “You seem in good spirits,” Vera said.
    “What makes you say that?” Lorik asked.
    “Oh, I don’t know. Perhaps it was because Queen Issalyn spent all morning walking with you and Liam.”
    “I think she likes Stone.”
    “Don’t drag me into this,” Stone said.
    “We all know who the queen likes,” Vera said testily. “The question is, do you like her?”
    “You sound like my mother,” Lorik said.
    “She was a wise woman,” Vera retorted. “Now answer the question.”
    “I don’t know,” Lorik said. “I haven’t thought about it.”
    Stone laughed out loud.
    “What are you laughing at?” Lorik asked.
    Stone shook his head. “You’re not a good liar.”
    “He’s right,” Vera said. “So you do like her.”
    “Are we teenagers or adults?” Lorik said. “I don’t need to discuss my feelings with you or anyone else. Besides, it doesn’t matter if I like Queen Issalyn or not. She is a queen and I am a common man.”
    “You’re anything but common,” Vera said.
    “She’s right, Lorik,” Stone added. “Physically you’re different. You’ve got some kind of magical touch now. Every woman in the camp is making eyes at you. You could have your pick of the lot.”
    “I don’t want to pick,” Lorik said. “We’re in the middle of a war... with monsters. Why in the world would I be thinking about romance?”
    “You always were clueless,” Vera said. “You talk about Queen Issalyn uniting the kingdom, but everyone here is following you.”
    “Including Queen Issalyn,” Stone said.
    “It’s too late for you to decide that being a leader isn’t what you want. You came north to protect us, now everyone expects you to do just that. And Liam is right. You’re different. You look more like a king than the statues of ancient rulers or even heroes for that matter. It’s only a matter of time before the whole kingdom calls for you to be made king.”
    “I don’t want to be king,” Lorik said. “I never did.”
    “Too bad,” Vera said. “There’s no escaping this destiny.”
    “I won’t be good at it,” Lorik argued. “I don’t know anything about running a kingdom.”
    “Well, you’re fairly good at running the refugee camp,” Stone said. “That’s a start.”
    “No,” Lorik said. “Vera is good at running the camp. And she’s got good people making sure things work the way they should.”
    “So put Vera in charge,” Stone said. “King Oveer didn’t do a day’s work in his life.”
    “You shouldn’t speak ill of the dead,” Vera said.
    “We shouldn’t pretend he was more than he was either,” Stone went on. “I heard the queen talking about him with Lorik. He was a bastard and there’s no way around it. In the end, he put us all in the lurch. We could all be killed because of what he did.”
    “Still, that’s all the more reason why the next king should be someone with the skills to bring safety and prosperity back to Ortis,” Lorik said.
    “And who is better suited to bring safety to the kingdom than you?” Vera countered in a calm, soft voice.
    The silence that followed was heavy with meaning. Lorik knew as well as anyone that he was now the greatest warrior in the kingdom, perhaps in all five kingdoms. But he still didn’t like the idea of becoming a king. It seemed too big, too important, and the truth was he didn’t think he could do it.
    “It’s time for me to stand watch,” he grumbled.
    “Sorry if I ruined your good mood,” Vera said. “We are with you no matter what.”
    “And that means more to me than any crown,” Lorik said.
    But even as he walked away from his friends and the little fire they had shared, he couldn’t help but wonder if that was completely true. He liked Issalyn. He liked the way she looked and the way she thought. Under different circumstances, he was sure he would have pursued her, but doing that now just seemed wrong. She was a queen and who was

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