Lose Control

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Book: Lose Control by Donina Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donina Lynn
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traveled up and down,
pausing at the hem of her skirt and the view of her cleavage. Guess he didn’t
like her wardrobe selection. Good. He could take that look he was giving her
and shove it where the sun didn’t shine. Cassie placed her hands on her hips
and cocked her head to the side, silently daring him to say something and give
her a reason to tell him exactly what she thought of him at the moment. When he
didn’t budge or make a sound, she asked in the most suggestive and sweet voice
she could muster. “Is there something you wanted?”
    Cassie mentally
patted herself on the back when the innuendo she just threw in his direction
hit its intended target. There was a quick flash of recognition, his body
tensed, and heat surfaced in his eyes before he trampled it down and ground out
in a low voice, “They’re here.”
    Huh. Poor Myles
looked cranky. Wonder what crawled up his boxers and bit his ass. Oh wait, it
was her. Keeping up her forced pleasantries, she smiled and grabbed the waters.
“Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
    Cassie waited
for him to step back and walked past him, swaying her hips, feeling his stare
penetrate the material of her skirt with each step. If she kept this up, Myles
should be thoroughly frustrated and positively miserable by the end of the
afternoon. Why should she be the only one?
    Her mood had
already been in the toilet, and seeing how handsome he looked in his Dockers
and Oxford shirt, the way his broad form filled the doorway, knowing full well she
affected him as much as he did her, and him not doing a damn thing about it
wasn’t helping matters. The last thing she wanted to do was to go play nice
with some CEO and his lawyer. Not like she had much of choice. The reason she
was there in the first place was to be his assistant, and even though personally
she might be pissed at Myles, professionally, she didn’t want to do anything to
jeopardize his position or hers. No matter how much screaming at him in utter
frustration would be blissful and cathartic right now.
    Cassie took a
breath, adjusted her attitude, and entered the conference room. Putting the
bottles down, she made a quick mental assessment of the men standing by the
table. The older man was all business in a crisp tailored suit and groomed to
perfection with some gray showing at his temples, adding that distinguished
look. Definitely the lawyer. The other was wearing cargo shorts and a wrinkled
T-shirt, had shoulder length hair, and a thin goatee that did nothing to hide
how much of a baby face was underneath. If he was the CEO, he was barely legal
enough to buy a beer. Cassie turned to Myles and gave him a questioning look.
He simply nodded and began making introductions.
    “Mr. Brown.
Blake. It’s good to see you both again,” Myles said as he shook each of their
hands respectively before turning to her. “Gentlemen, this is Ms. Sorrelson.
She will be assisting with the meeting today.”
    “It’s a pleasure
to meet you both.” Cassie held out her hand and followed Myles’s lead by
shaking the lawyer’s first and then moved on to Blake. When she went to pull
away, however, Blake gripped her tighter, holding her fast and raking his eyes
over her with such a lewd look her skin began to crawl wherever his gaze landed.
Subtle? Not so much. In fact, he was being downright inappropriate and leering
at her like she was a piece of meat.
    Cassie wished
she had worn something less revealing and bit more suitable. The point was to
push Myles over the edge, not attract Blake, or anyone else for that matter. Of
course, she would end up in a meeting with a testosterone-filled young man that
couldn’t stop drooling over her boobs. With the day she’d been having, why
wouldn’t she? Seriously, though, could he at least come up for air and stop staring
at her shirt-puppies for like one second? Trying to smile through the uneasy
feeling settling in her stomach and not seem obvious about how she was

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