Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2)

Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2) by Katie Oliver Page A

Book: Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2) by Katie Oliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Oliver
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She turned to go.
    Zoe lifted her coffee cup in farewell. “Ta.”
    As Holly made her way across the street and back up the steps to her office building she couldn’t resist a glance back. Zoe — if that was her real name — had taken the muffin out, and, after looking furtively around, crammed it hurriedly in her mouth…
    For all the world as if she was afraid Holly might come back and snatch it away again.
    A stack of mail waited in the slot when Holly returned home that evening. She withdrew the envelopes and flicked through them with mounting dismay. British Gas. Student Loan Association. Car payment. Car insurance…
    Which reminded her, the Skoda was acting wonky. Which meant it probably needed repairs, she reflected grimly, which meant spending more money she didn’t have.
    It was sad, really — she used to look forward to getting the mail. The post was always full of pleasant surprises like magazines and free samples and college catalogues. Now, with her finances in a tailspin and her father refusing to bail her out, going through her correspondence was an ordeal.
    All the Royal Mail brought her these days was bills.
    Holly let herself into the flat and tossed the post down on the hall table. She needed a second job…and fast.
    A noxious smell greeted her.
    “I’m making us dinner, Hols,” Kate called out from the kitchen. “My tofu stir-fry and homemade tzatziki are coming right up.”
    Holly winced. ‘Coming right up’ was apt, in more ways than one. The last time Kate made Tzatziki, it was a curdled mess. She had no illusions that tonight’s would be any better.
    “Thanks, but I’m not hungry,” Holly said. “I suppose I should stockpile the falafel, though — since I won’t be able to afford to eat soon, much less pay my share of the rent.”
    “Why? What are you talking about?”
    She popped a cucumber slice in her mouth. “I’ve got too little incoming, and too much outgoing.”
    “What about your dad? He usually helps you out.”
    “He told me in no uncertain terms that my free ride is over. I’ll have to get another job.”
    Kate turned to stare at her. “Quit
, you mean?”
    “No, of course not. I mean, I’ll need a second job.”
    “Sasha doesn’t allow moonlighting,” Kate reminded her. “If she finds out, she’ll sack you.”
    “I know. And I can’t afford to lose my job.” She looked up with a frown. “You won’t tell her, will you?”
    Kate turned back to her tzatziki. “Of course not,” she said cheerily. “We’re mates, after all, aren’t we?”

Chapter 10
    Just before noon, Alex Barrington arrived at
’s reception desk.
    “Hello,” he said to one of the three girls behind the counter. “I’m here to see Ms Holly James.”
    Her eyes widened behind her glasses. “Yes, of c-course,” she stammered, and reached for the phone handset, knocking a pencil jar askew in the process. “I’ll c-call her n-now,” she mumbled, and blushed a virulent shade of red as she scrambled to gather up the pens and pencils rolling every which way.
    “Thank you.”
    Holly arrived in Reception a few minutes later. “Hello, Alex. Sorry if I kept you waiting.”
    “Only two minutes,” Alex said, and eyed her above-the-knee skirt with obvious approval. “And well worth the wait, I might add. You look very fetching today, Ms James.”
    “Only today?” she asked, and quirked her brow. “So I didn’t look fetching when I interviewed you?”
    “I’m sorry, but you only looked moderately attractive that day.” He held out his arm to her. “Shall we go?”
    Holly smiled and took his arm, charmed by his light-hearted mood. “Yes, let’s do.”
    Alex glanced back at the reception desk as they left. “Thank you. Sorry about your pencils.”
    “It’s okay. My f-fault. And you’re welcome,” she murmured, her eyes behind their glasses still riveted on Alex.
    “Poor girl,” he murmured as he followed Holly into the lift. “She has a regrettable

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