Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2)

Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2) by Katie Oliver Page B

Book: Love and Liability (Dating Mr Darcy - Book 2) by Katie Oliver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Oliver
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speech impediment.”
    “Oh, Alex — Eleanor doesn’t have a speech impediment.” Holly glanced at him and smiled. “It’s you.”
    He looked at her blankly. “Me?”
    Holly jabbed at the ground-floor button. “You have a devastating effect on women. You render them speechless.”
    “Is that so?” He considered this, a thoughtful expression on his face. “I don’t seem to have that effect on you.”
    “No,” she said lightly. “You’ve no effect at all.”
    He linked her arm through his. “I’ll have to work on that, then, won’t I?”
    As the hostess led them to a table at the Brasserie Holly covertly studied Alex. His back was broad, and his shoulders nicely filled out the grey worsted suit he wore.
    She had a sudden, wild desire to grab him by his brown grenadine tie, pull him towards her, and run her fingers through that dark, floppy hair of his—
    “Follow me,” the hostess said, and handed them menus as they seated themselves. “A waiter will be with you shortly. Enjoy your lunch.”
    Alex studied Holly. “How’s your day going so far, Ms James?”
    “Holly, please.” She opened her menu, still fuming over Zoe’s comment. “Actually, something happened yesterday…something that really cheesed me off.”
    He leaned forward. “I’m intrigued. What happened?”
    “I went out for lunch, and I saw Zoe — the homeless girl whose rucksack was stolen — and I bought her a muffin and a cup of coffee. And do you know what she did?”
    “I’m guessing she didn’t kneel before you and clasp you round the legs and thank you profusely.”
    “No.” Holly blinked. “Do you always talk like that?”
    “Like what?”
    “All, sort of, lawyerly.”
    “Well, I am a solicitor, after all. So it would seem to follow that I should talk in a lawyerly fashion.”
    “There you go again!” Holly accused him.
    “Sorry,” he said, and smiled. “I promise to speak normally from this point forward. Go on.”
    “She criticized my outfit! Imagine having your clothing critiqued by a street person,” she told Alex indignantly as she studied the list of starters. “That’s like…like Mahatma Gandhi judging a cooking show.”
    “I wouldn’t worry. After all,” he added, “she’s living on the street; yet you’re upset over a negative comment about your clothing. Rather puts things in perspective, doesn’t it?”
    Holly blinked. “You’re throwing my own words back at me, aren’t you?” She smiled slightly. “I guess I deserve it.”
    “Unfortunately, as you pointed out when you interviewed me, homelessness is a very real problem. I’ve looked into the matter, and you’re absolutely right. With budgets slashed, there’s less help to go around at a time when it’s most needed.” He sighed. “But don’t get me started on my political soapbox. What will you have for lunch?”
    Holly studied the menu. “The grilled sea bass, I think.” She laid the menu aside. “So have you decided to run in the next election, Mr Barrington?”
    “Alex, please. And yes, I have. However, I’ll need ten parliamentary nominations in order to stand for my constituency.”
    “Oh, you’ll manage that easily, no problem.”
    He smiled. “Thanks for your vote of confidence. Now, tell me more about this very opinionated homeless girl.”
    “Well, she knew my look was boho, and she knew who Alexa Chung was. Only a fashionista would know those things.”
    “And what,” Alex asked, frowning, “is ‘boho’, exactly?”
    She looked at him oddly. “You know — bohemian.”
    He nodded. “Ah. Right. You know,” he added with a frown, “listening to you talk is like conversing with someone who’s fluent in a language I haven’t quite mastered. I understand most of the words, but some of them are entirely foreign.”
    “Sorry. I promise, not another word about fashion, if
promise not to talk about law, or politics. Tell me about your crap day.” Holly sipped her water and regarded him

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