Love Finds the One (Sully Point Book 2)

Love Finds the One (Sully Point Book 2) by Nicole Smith

Book: Love Finds the One (Sully Point Book 2) by Nicole Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Smith
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    Deciding she was too upset to sit calmly and crochet, she went
into the bedroom to change clothes into jeans and her knee-high black boots. A cream-colored
cashmere sweater, and a black leather jacket, completed her outfit for the
gardens. Looking in the mirror she thought it might be wise to take a trip to
the mall to get a less expensive shirt to wear, then realized she just didn't
care enough to bother.
    She made sure she had her phone tucked into a pocket and
grabbed her handbag. The phone might come in handy if she wanted any pictures
of the place. Then she realized she didn't know where the gardens were located,
so she called Frank. He gave her directions after asking several times if she
was sure she wanted to go out there.
    The sun was peeking out from clouds, and the cemetery was
lit by stray rays of light. A breeze ruffled cool green shimmering leaves,
along the large rectangular area, filled with tombstones and monuments. Julia
walked slowly through, and was impressed by the artistic sense of some of the
stones. There were the plain and simple ones, with only dates. Others were so
old the names were all but gone, worn away by the years.
    She found herself drawn to one of the newer stones with an
angel on top. On the face of the stone she was shocked to see 'Natalie
Grainger, beloved mother to Holly, Cody and Anna.' Below was the line, 'Love of
a lifetime to husband Frank.'
    She sank down to her knees and brushed some dead leaves away
from the base of the stone. Tears came to her eyes as she thought of the
meaning of the phrase--love of a lifetime. What must it be like to
experience a commitment, a certainty like that? To be so sure of your love, you
carved it into stone to last forever? To lose such a love through death?
    "She was a very good mother, you know."
    Julia turned quickly to see Cody approaching. "I didn't
expect to see you here."
    "It wasn't me being over-protective this time, it was
Dad. He got concerned at the idea of you out here by yourself and called to
have me check on you."
    She stood up and brushed dirt and leaves from her hands.
"I was shocked to find this grave. I couldn't help but imagine how it must
have been devastating for your father, to lose such a great love."
    "Yes, I think it was. And he would tell you now, the
love wasn't lost, just postponed. He had some very rough years."
    "I can't imagine finding such a love. All I've seen are
either loveless marriages, or ones that break up. Nobody seems willing anymore
to have the kind of commitment to each other your father and mother
    "There are still some who are willing," Cody said softly.
    She stared into his eyes, and saw the warmth and the smile
there. And, a patient waiting, which made her suddenly blush. "Well, I
think I'm done here at the gardens for today." She began to walk back
toward the entrance.
    Cody walked next to her and said nothing. As they passed
through the arched gate it felt like a spell was broken and the real world was
back again.
    "Where are you off to now?" he asked her.
    "The mall. I need a few things. I should be back in
plenty of time for dinner."
    "Sounds good. I'll see you later then."
    "Yes, you will." She watched him walk away to the
Corvette. Something had changed between them, back there in the gardens. She
felt...something...a fluttering something when she looked at him. Something
located right in her heart.
    * * * *
    Late in the afternoon, Julia returned from the mall. She was
more tired than she'd expected, but she didn't have time for a nap. She took a
quick shower and changed into a jersey knit dress of navy blue, making her eyes
look bluer than ever. A long silver necklace added some sparkle, along with
dangling silver hoops in her ears.
    The drive into town was a little scary, as she almost ran
off the road. The way the tiredness could still just overcome her, made her
feel unsafe. She sighed with relief when she arrived at the Grainger house.
Cody opened the door and waved her

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