Love From the Ashes
on?”  She approached the bench and Kari looked up at her.
    “I think my dad forgot us.”
    Bethany rolled her eyes at Kari’s response.  “He didn’t forget us.  He is very busy and I am sure he’ll be here any minute.”
    Rebecca turned and looked at the parking lot.  It wasn’t unusual for parents to be late to pick up their kids, but she didn’t peg Thomas as the type.  It was also, a little late to believe he was just not on time.  “Hey; I could take you home.”
    “We don’t have a home.”  Kari’s voice was so sad, that it tore her up inside.
    “Are you still staying at Aunt Sally’s Bed and Breakfast?”
    “We are.”  Bethany replied quietly.  “However, Aunt Cassie is watching our sister and brother at their home.”
    “Okay; then I’ll take you to her.”
    “Are you sure that’s a good idea.  He could be coming anytime now.”
    She smiled at Bethany.  “You’re right, but we can call him when we get to Aunt Cassie’s house.”  They all seemed hesitant, except for Frankie that was eagerly standing by her side.
    “Okay.”  Bethany finally mumbled.
    They headed to her car and when she opened the door Frankie just looked inside.  “Um…” she paused for a moment.
    Rebecca knew her concern.  “Here, we won’t be going far.  We’ll buckle you in.”
    “Daddy said I can never go anywhere without my seat.”
    Rebecca didn’t think about it, when she offered them the ride.  However, she didn’t feel like she had any other choice.  “I promise you…” she knelt down next to her.  “It will be alright.  Can you trust me?”
    Frankie looked at Bethany and Bethany nodded.  “Okay.” She jumped in the car and Rebecca tightened the seatbelt around her.
    “There, does that feel alright?”
    She nodded and then smiled.  “Thank you!”
    “You are welcome.”  The other kids got into the car and put on their seatbelts as she got in the driver’s side.
    “Do you know where she lives?”  Kari asked from the backseat.
    She chuckled lightly.  “Yes; I’ve been there a few times.”  She drove towards their house; smiling to herself as the kids were talking about their day.  They were all worried about the new school, but they seemed to have a good time.  She pulled in front of the house and then turned to face them.  “We’re here.”
    The eagerly got out of the car, and she helped Frankie with her seatbelt.  “Thank you!”
    She grinned.  “You are welcome.”  They walked up to the house as Cassie was opening the front door.  She stared at Rebecca and then focused her attention to the children.
    “I don’t understand.”
    Rebecca shrugged.  “They were at the school, just waiting for him to show up.  I couldn’t just leave them there.”
    Cassie crossed her arms.  “Hey, I just made peanut butter sandwiches; you guys better go check them out.”  They each smiled and ran into the kitchen leaving Cassie and Rebecca alone.  “When I hadn’t heard from Thomas, I kind of wondered; this isn’t like him.”
    “Yeah; I didn’t figure it was.  You probably should call him to let him know that they’re alright.”
    “Well, you absolutely did the right thing.  I’m sorry that you had to go out of your way.”
    “It doesn’t matter.  It’s only a 10 minute deviation; I’m glad that I could do it.”
    Cassie pulled out her phone and Rebecca watched her dial his number.  By the expression on her face, she wasn’t going to go easy on him.  “Thomas?  Do you know where your kids are?”  She paused for a moment while he talked.  “Are you serious?  That’s great, but…” she looked at Rebecca and rolled her eyes.  Rebecca stifled a giggle.  “Rebecca brought them home.  Yeah; I know.  You do…okay, get here when you can.  Bye!”
    “You know what?”
    Cassie laughed.  “I know that he owes you big time.”
    “Cassie, it was nothing; really.”
    “If you say so, but I sure do appreciate it.”
    “You’re welcome. 

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