Love in Bloom
water seems safer than air."
    Clay's gaze said her logic escaped him.  He gestured at the blue lake water, the maples, evergreen and poplars rising from the shore to the brilliant turquoise sky.  The sun cast its rays, making diamonds dance on the water.  "I think this is the most beautiful country I've ever seen.  How does what you've seen compare?"
    She laid her oar along side of her leg and studied her surroundings.  "This has a...civilized look.  Maybe because I know just beyond are highways and developments and hospitals.  The country I've seen is more primitive, not defined by man's hand.  Except in the well-populated areas."
    "No man-made lakes?"
    "Only where the people were taught how to build reservoirs and irrigate the land.  The problem is there aren't enough teachers and there's too much government red tape."  She sighed, took a deep breath of air fragrant with pine and smiled.  "But I don't want to think about that now.  This is so peaceful.  It's just what I needed."
    Clay laid his oar across his knees and pointed along the shore.  "Look."
    A mother duck and three ducklings swam close to the land.  Every so often, one would plunge its head into the water, then look up, shaking off the excess.  Paige laughed.  "They make you want to go swimming."
    "The lake water's still cold.  Mid July it warms up."
    Her humor faded.  She might be gone by then.
    Clay dug into his back pocket and pulled out two small packets.  "Peanuts.  Want a pack?"
    When she nodded, he tossed one to her.  She caught the packet with both hands and placed it on her thigh unopened.  "There's something I need to talk to you about."  She hated to interfere with the pleasantness of their surroundings, the lovely time she'd had today.  But she had to talk to Clay about Ben.  Maybe she was being so persistent because she sensed Clay needed to talk to the teenager as much as the teenager needed to talk to him.  As cautious as Clay was, she guessed deep pain was involved in what had happened to him--emotional and physical pain.  The best way to deal with pain was to get it out in the open.
    Clay opened his peanuts and popped a few into his mouth.  "About our plans for the Fourth?"
    "No.  About Ben Hockensmith."
    Clay poured out a few more peanuts then transferred them to his mouth.  After he chewed and swallowed, he said, "I thought that was settled."
    "I was afraid it wasn't.  And I was right.  Ben's session with the counselor didn't go well."
    Clay carefully folded over the top of the packet and stuffed them back in his pocket.  "I hope you're not basing the success or failure of his therapy on one session."
    Paige restlessly moved her feet and the canoe rocked.  "Ben has had therapy before.  The month he was in the rehab hospital, he saw a counselor every day.  He's sick of it.  Right now, he doesn't need talk therapy.  He needs a role model, someone to give him direction, someone to show him there's a reason to wake up tomorrow."
    "That's one big responsibility you want to heap on someone's shoulders."
    "I just need someone to get him started.  Clay, he's hurting."  As soon as she said it, she felt Clay withdraw.
    "I'm not the only person on the planet who can help this boy."
    "You're the only one I know about."
    The nerve worked in his jaw.  "You don't even know what happened to me.  You have no idea--"
    "Tell me."
    Her gentle request seemed to bring him pain.  The lines on his face, the deep green of his eyes told her better than words.  His words tore at her heart.  "I'd like to."
    She waited.
    "But there's more involved than simply talking about my recovery."
    "A few hours with Ben could make a difference to both of you."
    Clay raked his hand through his hair in frustration and looked out over the lake.  Paige was right.  A few hours could make a difference.  Then again, they might not.  In the meantime, his life would get turned inside out.
    "Can you promise me something?" Paige asked

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