Love On The Brazos

Love On The Brazos by Susan Leigh Carlton Page A

Book: Love On The Brazos by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
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heard Belize is a beautiful place.  A couple of friends have been, and they raved about it.  I’ll bet your Dad would watch the business while you were gone.  My Dad always said if you wanted to know how good you are, leave and see how it works while you’re gone.  If you’ve done it right, it will be as smooth as ever.”
    “Thanks, Mom.  I’m going to ask Dad.”
    “One thing to remember, honey, you’re his girl and it might not sit too well with you going off with some man.  He won’t say anything though.  Go for it, you deserve a vacation.
    * * *
    “Daddy, Michael has asked me to go to Belize with him for a week, and I’d like to go.  I certainly could use a break.  Would you watch the office while I’m gone?”
    “Sure, honey, just get me up to date before you go.”
    “Thanks Dad.  It won’t be until I hear back from the investors on my project.”
    “Whenever.  It will keep me off the streets and out of your mother’s hair.”
    Thanks, Dad.  I appreciate it.”
    “Michael, I’m all set to go as soon as we get some results back.”
    “Great.  We should be good to go in a couple of weeks.”

Chapter 7   Jordy Meets Michael’s Family
    The office was quiet when Jordy walked in.  As usual, she was the first one in.  She walked back to the break room and started the coffee brewing.  It wasn’t long before the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the room.  Like her Dad, Jordy took her coffee black.  On the way into work, she had stopped at the What-a-Burger drive-up window and ordered a bacon and egg taquito.  She returned to her office and settled down to her breakfast and the mail left from the day before.
    One of the enve lopes was from Bryson Investment Corporation, to whom Jordy had made a proposal.  The letter thanked her for giving them the opportunity to review her proposal, but unfortunately, given the scarcity of land, and the high prices of available acreage, the proposal specifications did not meet the requirements of their company. 
    “Jerks!  The land is there and is one of the choice properties in the Sugar Land-Rosenburg area.” 
    “Talking to yourself again, Boss?”  Her secretary had entered the working area so quietly Jordy didn’t even know she was there.
    “Yeah.  These jerks turned the proposal down without ever seeing the property.  Once we get started, they will want in or even wanting to build a house there.  Lots of luck with that!”
    Jordy moved to her drafting table and continued working on the layout.  This was a part she liked, though not as much as getting out and getting her hands dirty on a project.  She became so immersed in what she was doing, she was surprised it was mid morning when her secretary told her she had a call from First City.  Assuming it was Michael, she wondered why he hadn’t called on her direct line.
    “Good morning and how are you this morning ,” she asked in the musical voice she reserved for her closest friends.
    “Good morning.  Is this Jordan Carlyle?”
    Realizing her faux pas, she changed to her business voice and replied, “Yes, this is Jordan.  How may I help you this morning?”
    “Ms. Carlyle, I am Paul Merriam of First City Investments.  We are interested in your proposal.  We would like to visit the property with you and discuss the other aspects of this project.”
    “I would be delighted to show you the location and my concept of Carlyle Estates.  When would you like to see the property?”
    “As soon as possible.  Our vice-president is going on vacation , and we would like to get it done and put before him before he leaves.”
    “ Are you available to do this today?”
    “ Today would be perfect.  Can you come into our office and leave from there?”
    “Yes, of course.  How many will be in the group?”
    “There will be three of us.  Two engineers and me.  Is 1:00PM convenient?”
    “Yes, 1:00 is fine. 

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