Love On The Brazos

Love On The Brazos by Susan Leigh Carlton

Book: Love On The Brazos by Susan Leigh Carlton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Leigh Carlton
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two times already this morning,” the operator replied. 
    “He’ll keep bugging us until I take his call.  Next time he calls, put him through, and I’ll see if I can get the message across.”
    An hour later, her phone rang.  It was Hank.  “I don’t know what I did to make you so angry, Jordy.  I don’t understand.  We had a great thing going.”
    “That is all water under the bridge, Hank.  I’ve moved on.  I don’t want to see you, I don’t want to talk to you, and if you call again, I’ll report you to the police for harassment.”
    “Jordy, I’m desperate.  I need a job.  My company downsized, and my department was integrated into another and they let me go.”
    “I have nothing to offer.  There are a lot of companies in Houston.  See a headhunter.  We have no need for someone of your background.  Goodbye Hank, and please don’t call again.”
    The secretary brought the mail in.  “Who was it said ‘Old flames die hard’?”
    “I don’t know, but it certainly applies to him.  Don’t put any more calls from him through.”
    That Evening…
    Jordy told Michael about the latest episode with Hank Webster.  “One thing about it, he doesn’t give up easily does he?”
    “Apparently not,” Jordan said.  “Still losing your job whether from downsizing or anything else would be traumatizing.  As far as I know, this would be the first time in his life things haven’t gone his way.  His self-confidence was always high, and he didn’t hesitate in telling you just how good he was.  Now, he has nothing to hold onto.”
    “Are you sympathizing with him?”
    “I guess.  At one time, we were going to marry and planned to spend our lives together.”
    “You’re wrong about one thing though.  This isn’t the first time he’s lost at something.  He lost you, the biggest prize in his life whether he knew it or not.”
    “Aren’t you sweet?  Girls like to hear those kinds of things.”
    “Changing the subject, I have been thinking of using the tickets I have for a week in Belize.  Would you be able to get away for a week and go with me?”
    “I would love to, and it would be good for me, but my life is on hold right now while I’m working on my subdivision project.”
    “I could help if you’d let me, but I do appreciate your position.  You should receive your answer within a week.”
    “Do you think?  That would be great.  I have applied with three other investors.  I would expect to hear from one of them soon.  Daddy and Papaw would fund it if I would agree to it, but I don’t want to risk any of the family’s money.  If it were mine, I’d go all in.  I’m convinced if done right, there’s no telling how much it can turn out to be.”
    “Did you talk to them?  Funding it I mean?”
    “They mentioned it, I didn’t.  Until Daddy told me where things stood, I was worried about their future, but he assured me that wasn’t something I should worry about.  I was afraid of all of the medical costs associated with his health problems, but apparently that isn’t a problem.”
    “Going back to my original question, would you be interested in the trip if you could get away?”
    “Yes, I would definitely be interested.  I’ll look at things and see how I can do it.  I’d like to go.”
    “Great.  Now all we have to do is make it happen.”
    * * *
    After Jordy got home, she sat in the family room talking with her mother.  Her Dad had already gone to bed.
    “Mom, is it me or is Dad tiring more easily now than before?”
    “Of course he is.  Today was a therapy day, and that is always tiring for him.  They are working on increasing his stamina.  He says he’s improving.”
    “Michael has asked me to go to Belize with him for a week.  I really would like to go.  I am pretty tired, and the rest and the sun would do me good.”

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